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Rohr Writing Scholars Fellowship

The birth of writing, writes Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in The Dignity of Difference, was the genesis of civilization名riting was the breakthrough by which the present could hand on the lessons of the past to the generations of the future.

Following in this intellectual and spiritual tradition, we are proud to welcome the Rohr Writing Scholars, five students who will spend three undergraduate years strengthening their writing and thought leadership. 

Students will enroll in coursework on the mechanics of writing, journalism, and Jewish Thought. In monthly cohort sessions, they will learn about journalistic genres, discuss their ideas, and edit each others drafts.

Students will become more informed and better equipped to analyze major worldwide trends in Jewish life including the centrality of Israel, Israel-Diaspora relations, and the persistence of antisemitism. They will tackle larger social justice issues and report on campus-related issues, as well as current events facing the broader Jewish community thoughtfully and responsibly. Students will gain tools to be more reflective and expressive in their written work as they evolve into life-long writers. Rohr Writing Scholars may submit articles to university newspapers, literary journals, local newspapers or Jewish scholarly journals during college, as they prepare to become opinion shapers on major issues in Jewish life and beyond after graduation. 

Students participate in:

  • Monthly virtual workshops to develop, revise and edit students writing
  • Events featuring journalists, authors, and editors of a national caliber
  • Annual writing retreat
  • Ongoing mentorship

Funded by a generous gift from the Rohr family.

Rohr Writing Scholars 2024-2027


Shoshana Fischer

Shoshana is from Teaneck, NJ, and studied at Midreshet HaRova after graduating from Yeshivat Frisch, where she was Editor of the schools Yearbook and a member of the Debate Team. 





Maayan Kahan

Maayan is from Newton, MA, and studied at MMY after graduating from the Maimonides School where she was Editor-in-Chief of the student newspaper, as well as a contributor眩o both the paper畝nd weekly news briefing. She also was a member of Mock Trial and Model UN teams and an editor and writer for the MMY Torah journal.




Elza Koslowe

Elza is from Bergenfield, NJ, and studied at Migdal Oz after graduating from Yeshivat Frisch, where she was Editor-in-Chief of Beer Shavua, the schools weekly Torah publication, as well as a contributor to Kalliope, the school literary magazine.





David Smigel

David is from Westchester, NY, and studied at Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Zion after graduating from Yeshivat Frisch, where he was a founding editor of the student newspaper, The Paw Print. He was also Head Editor of Mevaserets weekly Dvar Torah newsletter, Sapir Mevaseret, and has contributed articles to The Jewish Link.





Daniella Taub

Daniella from Cleveland, OH, studied at Midreshet Lindenbaum after graduating from Fuchs Mizrachi High School where she helped create the student literary痂agazine and contributed to the Yearbook. She also assumed leadership roles in Bnei Akiva and Yachad, and as a student ambassador. 





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