Sy Syms School of Business Academic Advising Undergraduate Resources Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Computer Science Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Visualization Digital Marketing and Media Mathematics Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant Physics Speech-Language Pathology Make an AppointmentTo make an appointment with a Sy Syms Academic Advisor, please use the Yeshiva Success Network links below:, Assistant Dean and Director of Academic Advising, Senior Academic Advisor and Honors Advisor, Senior Academic Advisor and Internship Coordinator, Academic Advisor (Wilf only) Mission statement The Sy Syms Academic Advising Team supports persistence, engagement, and completion, through a collaborative partnership with students. Advisors foster a safe and educational environment to enable students to learn essential information and acquire the skills to make decisions that will lead to the achievement of their educational, career and life goals. Academic Advisors educate students on degree requirements, including: Business Core, Quantitative, Major and Minor options, and General Education requirements, as well as academic standards, policies and procedures. Academic Advisors empower students by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make effective academic decisions and set realistic and fulfilling career goals. Academic Advisors collaborate with and connect students to resources across the campus community, including with Counseling, Learning Success Center, Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Career Center, and Deans of Students. Academic Advisors advocate for their students, whenever necessary, and encourage students to reach their educational and personal potential. Contact Academic AdvisingThe Sy Syms Academic Advisement Offices are located on the fourth floor of Belfer Hall on the Wilf campus and on the 3rd floor of 215 Lexington Avenue on the Beren campus. Our office hours are MondayThursday: 10 a.m. 5:30 p.m., and Friday: 10 a.m. 2:30 p.m. To make an appointment with an advisor, please use the appropriate button at the top of the page. If you have any questions, please email the Sy Syms Academic Advising Team at SymsAdvising@yu.eduDebra PineAssistant DeanDpine@yu.eduEmily KaplanSenior Academic Advisor, Honors AdvisorEmily.Kaplan@yu.eduMelanie ZuckermanSenior Academic Advisor Melanie.Zuckerman@yu.eduSamuel GoldAcademic Advisor Academic Advising for International Students, please contact Professor Norma Silbermintz, Coordinator of Academic Affairs for International Students at Academic Advising for students interested in Pre-Law and help with law school application personal essays, please contact Illana Julius at (Stern/Syms students).