May 19, 2020 By: yunews
Prof. Daniel Pollack, professor, and Dr. Kathryn Krase, associate professor, at , have co-authored for the New York Law Journal ( May 13, 2020).
In the article, they note that the means used to provide education to most children from preschool through high school has been transformed, practically overnight. The children are vital players in the unanticipated and speedy transition to mandatory distance education. Then they explore the following questions: How has the concept of educational neglect been transformed? In practical terms, has the definition of educational neglect been redefined? And, perhaps more importantly, should it?
They conclude that the COVID-19 crisis provides the opportunity to reimagine how society can support parents in their support of their childrens education, and they urge everyone involved to work to redesign the system so that parents and children are best prepared to succeed in these challenging times and for the years to come as we all recover from this crisis.