ࡱ> ; 0Zbjbj ;hhQ&( ( 8\bj'&&&&&&&$)+''$'n&&W M&:'0j'^,<^,&^,''Sj'^,( X :  Seamus OMalley Associate Professor Stern College for Women, 17Թ (917) 446-3596 seamus.omalley@yu.edu Employment 2020 present Associate Professor, Stern College for Women at 17Թ 2016 2020 Assistant Professor, Stern College for Women at 17Թ 2013 2016 Lecturer, Stern College for Women at 17Թ 2011 2013 Postdoctoral Language Lecturer, New York University 2006 2011 Adjunct Lecturer, Hunter College 2005 2006 Adjunct Lecturer, New York City College of Technology Education 2005 2011Ph.D.CUNY Graduate Center (English)2003 2005M.A.Hunter College (English)1994 1998B.A.New York University (English; Minor in Literature in Translation) Awards and Grants 17Թ Faculty Research Fund, 2022 Comics Studies Society Edited Book Prize for 2019 Drs. Kenneth Chelst, Bertram Schreiber and Fred Zwas Book Grant, 2019-20 Drs. Kenneth Chelst, Bertram Schreiber and Fred Zwas Book Grant, 2018-19 Bertha Kressel Research Scholarship advisor, 2018 Dean Karen Bacon Faculty Award, 2016 Honorable Mention, The Bruce Harkness Young Conrad Scholar Award, 2011 The Publication Subvention Award for Distinguished Dissertations, CUNY Graduate Center, 2011 The Alumni and Doctoral Faculty Prize for the Most Distinguished Dissertation of the Year, CUNY Graduate Center, 2011 Doctoral Student Research Grant, 2010 Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2009-2010 CUNY Chancellors Fellow, 2005-2009 Research and teaching fields: Twentieth-century British and Irish literature; Modernism; Graphic novels; Narrative theory; populism and literature Scholarship Books Ireland and The People: Populism and its Discontents. Oxford University Press, 2022. A Place Inside Yourself: The Comics of Julie Doucet and Gabrielle Bell. Volume of essays, co-edited with Tahneer Oksman. University of Mississippi Press, 2019. Winner of the Comics Studies Society Edited Book Prize for 2019. Reviewed by Martha Kuhlman, Biography, 43:4, 2020. The Routledge Research Companion to Ford Madox Ford. Volume of essays, co-edited with Sara Haslam and Laura Colombino. Routledge, 2019. Making History New: Modernism and Historical Narrative. Oxford University Press, 2015. Reviewed by Kate Symondson, Times Literary Supplement, July 10, 2015; Nathan Waddell, Literature and History, 24:2 (Autumn), 2015; Adam Meehan, Modernism/modernity, 23:4 (November) 2016. Ford Madox Ford and America, Volume of essays, co-edited with Sara Haslam. Rodopi, 2012. Reviewed by Sylvia Weiser Wendel, Joseph Conrad Today, Vol. XLIII, No. 2 (Fall 2018). Editor, The Fifth Queen Trilogy and A History of Our Own Times for the Oxford University Press Complete Edition of Ford Madox Ford (in progress). Peer-Reviewed Articles The Final Aim is the Flower: Wild and Domestic Nature in Sons and Lovers. D.H. Lawrence Review, 39.2 2014, p. 25-45. Listening for Class in Ford Madox Fords Parades End. Modernism/modernity, 21.3 (September) 2014, pp 689-714. The Critic Who Does Not Exist: Edmund Wilson as Novelist in the 1920s. Textual Practice, 28.4 (June) 2014, pp. 677-700. The Conjuring-Tricks of Capital: Fetishes and Finance Capital in R.L. Stevensons The Beach of Fales. English Literature in Transition, 57.1 (January) 2014. Amnesia and Recovery of the Great War in Modern Irish Drama. New Hibernia Review, 16.4 (Winter) 2012, pp. 1-17. Belief and Unbelief: Nationalist Doubt in W.B. Yeatss The Celtic Twilight. Irish University Review, 39.1 (Spring/Summer) 2009, pp. 15-31. Book Chapters The People of Virginia Woolf. Virginia Woolf and the Writing of History. Anne Besnault, Anne-Marie Di-Biasio and Marie Laniel, eds. Routledge, forthcoming. The Good Soldier, Dora, and the Spas of Europe. Homo Duplex: Ford Madox Ford's Experience and Aesthetics of Alterity. Isabelle Brasme, ed. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Mditerrane, 2020, 141-154. Everyone looks through peepholes: Voyeurism in The Voyeurs. A Place Inside Yourself: The Comics of Julie Doucet and Gabrielle Bell. Tahneer Oksman and Seamus OMalley, eds. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2019. Ford Madox Ford and History. The Routledge Research Companion to Ford Madox Ford. Sara Haslam, Laura Colombino and Seamus OMalley, eds. London: Routledge, 2019. The People of On Another Mans Wound. Modern Ireland and Revolution: Ernie OMalley in Context. Cormac OMalley, ed. Kildare, Ireland: Irish Academic Press, 2016, pp. 141-158. Ford Madox Ford and Modernism. Ford Madox Ford: An Introduction. Ashley Chantler and Rob Hawkes, eds. London: Ashgate, 2015. How Much Mud Does a Man Need? Land and Liquidity in Parades End. Ford Madox Ford, Modernism and the First World War. Rob Hawkes and Ashley Chantler, eds. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2014, pp. 119-128. The Fifth Queen, Revisionary History and the Staging of Nostalgia. The Edwardian Ford Madox Ford. Laura Colombino and Max Saunders, eds. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2013, pp. 225-236. Americas Ford: Glenway Wescott, Katherine Anne Porter, and Knopfs Parades End. Ford Madox Ford and America. Sara Haslam and Seamus OMalley, eds. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2012, pp. 97-108. Speculative History, Speculative Fiction: Alan Moore and Eddie Campbells From Hell. Graphic History: Essays on Graphic Novels and/as History. Rick Iadonisi, ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2012, pp. 162-183. The Ferociously Odd, Mutually Beneficial Editorial Relationship of Ford Madox Ford and Wyndham Lewis. Ford Madox Ford, Modernist Magazines, and Editing. Jason Harding, ed. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2010, pp. 89-98. The Return of the Soldier and Parades End: Fords Reworking of Wests Pastoral. Ford Madox Fords Literary Contacts. Paul Skinner, ed. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2007, pp. 155-164. Reviewed by J.H. Stape, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, Volume 51, Number 3. Other Impressionist Populism? Ford Madox Ford, The People, and le peuple. Last Post 5.1 (Fall) 2020. Review of The Function of Cynicism at the Present Time by Helen Small. Last Post 4.1 (Spring) 2020. Review of Beyond the Victorian/Modernist Divide: Remapping the Turn-of-the-Century Break in Literature, Culture and the Visual Arts, Anne-Florence Gillard-Estrada and Anne Besnault-Levita, eds. Last Post 2.1 (Spring) 2019. Review of Suicide Century: Literature and Suicide from James Joyce to David Foster Wallace by Andrew Bennett. Last Post 1.1 (Fall) 2018. Review of Food in the Novels of Joseph Conrad by Kim Salmons. Conradiana 50.2 (Fall) 2018. Review of Spaniel Rage by Vanessa Davis. Los Angeles Review of Books, March 20, 2017. lareviewofbooks.org/article/little-drawings-make-a-life-on-vanessa-daviss-spaniel-rage Review of Modernist Melancholia: Freud, Conrad and Ford by Anne Enderwitz. Conradiana 48.1 (Spring) 2016. Review of Outside the Box: Interviews with Contemporary Cartoonists by Hillary Chute. Cleaver Magazine, Spring 2014. cleavermagazine.com/outside-the-box-interviews-with-contemporary-cartoonists-by-hillary-l-chute-reviewed-by-seamus-omalley Review of Modernism and the Aesthetics of Violence by Paul Sheehan, and At the Violet Hour by Sarah Cole. Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 43.3 2014, pp. 439-446. Review of Modernism and the Culture of Efficiency: Ideology and Fiction by Evelyn Cobley. The Space Between, 7.1 2012, pp. 136-139. Teaching Experience Undergraduate Teaching, Stern College for Women Introductory Level British Literature Survey II, 1660-1870, two sections British Literature Survey III, 1870-2000, four sections Graphic Novels, six sections (created course, now part of catalog) Introduction to Fiction: Narratology, four sections (created course, now part of catalog) Ways of Reading: Introduction to Literary Interpretation, two sections Modern Fiction: Time and the Novel Modern Fiction: Aesthetics and the Self British Literature: Abroad (created course) Literature of the Great War (created course), two sections Myth and Folklore: Greek literature and English adaptations Victorian to Modern fiction Development of the British Novel II (Victorian Fiction) Expository Writing, seven regular sections, nine honors sections Honors Seminars Women Write War (created course) Modernism, two sections Advanced Level 20th Century British Novel, three sections The Irish Renaissance(created course) Virginia Woolf (created course) Caribbean Literature (created course) Undergraduate Research Kressel Fellowship, 17Թ (Highest Honor of University for Student Research5 awarded per year across three colleges) Masha Shollar, award winner, Female Vision in Virginia Woolfs The Years Exit Projects: 2023 First Reader, Julia Polster (in progress), Honors First Reader, Sarah Rosenfeld (in progress), Honors 2020 Second Reader, Elka Wiesenberg, Honors 2019 First Reader Lillian Gelman, Honors 2018 First Reader Miriam Pearl Klahr, Honors 2017 Second Reader Miriam Rubin, Honors 2015 First Reader Chevi Friedman First Reader Elana Kook First Reader Menucha Lowenstein Second Reader Caitlin Shapiro, Honors Second Reader Daniella Penn, Honors First Reader Naamah Schwartz, Honors Postdoctoral Language Lecturer, New York University 20th Century British Fiction: Empire and Emigration, one section British Literature of the Transition, 1870-1914, one section Introduction to Literary Analysis, five sections Adjunct Lecturer, Hunter College 20th Century British Fiction, three sections Early 20th Century British, Irish and American fiction, one section The Moderns: Early 20th Century British Literature, three sections British Literature Survey, 1780-1945, two sections Introduction to Literature, eight sections Expository Writing, one section Adjunct Lecturer, New York City College of Technology Expository Writing, two sections Conferences The People of 1922: Populism and Technocracy in War and Peace. The American Conference for Irish Studies, Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, St. Josephs University, Philadelphia, October 14-15, 2022. Yeats, Champion and Enemy of the People. BAMS: British Association for Modernist Studies. Bristol, UK. June 23-25, 2022. Myles na gCopaleen and The Plain People of Ireland. American Conference for Irish Studies. Virtual conference. April 29-31, 2022. Invited participant, Walter Scott and the Modernists: Creating Worlds. Laboratory for the Study of the Novel, University of So Paulo, November 11-12, 2021. The People of Stewart Parkers Northern Star. The American Conference for Irish Studies, Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Sacred Heart, Fairfield, CT. October 29-30, 2021. The People of Northern Ireland in the Plays of Sam Thompson. American Conference for Irish Studies, Derry, Northern Ireland (online). June 2-5, 2021. Invited participant, The Irish Avant-Garde and The People. CUNY c19 Conference. Graduate Center of the City of New York (online). May 7, 2021. Invited roundtable participant, Gender and Class in Irish Literature. American Conference for Irish Studies Southwest. Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory, North Carolina (online). March 18-20, 2021. Our paper is the peoples paper: De Valera, populism, and the Irish Press. The American Conference for Irish Studies, Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Hunter College, New York, NY. November 1-2, 2019. Invited panelist, The People and le peuple of Ford Madox Ford. Ford Madox Ford in Toulon, Universit de Toulon, France. June 28-29, 2019. Padraig Pearse and The People. Annual American Conference for Irish Studies, Boston. March 20-23, 2019. By competition. Invited keynote, Virginia Woolf and the Writing of History, French Society of Woolfian Studies (Socit dEtudes Woolfiennes), Rouen, France. November 8-9, 2018. That collaboration with the people: Lady Gregory and the Language of Populism. MLA Annual Convention, New York, NY. January 4-7, 2018. By competition. Populist Propaganda in Emily Lawlesss Hurrish. The American Conference for Irish Studies, Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. November 1-4, 2017. By competition. Invited panelist, Deep Down in the Popular Heart: United Ireland and Populism. Transnational Print Culture Conference, Fordham University, NY. October 26, 2017. Yeats and the Languages of Populism. International W.B. Yeats Society Conference. New York University and New School University, NY. October 20-22, 2017. By competition. The Good Soldier, Dora, and the Spas of Europe. Ford Madox Ford and the Other. Montpellier, France. September 79, 2017. Invited panelist, Lytton Strachey's Elizabeth and Essex: Modernist history? Modernist Studies Conference XVIII. Pasadena, CA. November 17-20, 2016. Novels of the Land League: Rosa Mulholland. Mid-Atlantic American Conference for Irish Studies. New York University, New York, NY. October 28-29, 2016. By competition. Anna Parnell and the Revolution of The People. MLA Annual Convention. Austin, TX. January 7-10, 2016. By competition. Invited panelist, The Historical Novels of Mary Butts. Modernist Studies Association Conference XVII. Boston, MA. November 19-22, 2015. The Archives of Mary Butts and 21st-Century Recovery. The 25th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA. June 4-7, 2015. By competition. Lady Gregory and The People. Annual American Conference for Irish Studies. University of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, FL. March 25-28, 2015. By competition. Feminism and Digital Pedagogy: The Case of Rebecca West, roundtable discussion. Modernist Studies Association Conference XVI, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA. November 6-9, 2014. The People of Ernie OMalleys On Another Mans Wound. Ernie O'Malley Symposium on Modern Ireland and Revolution. New York University, New York, NY. April 25-26, 2014. By competition. Ford Madox Fords Parades End: Vulnerable Memory, Vulnerable History. MLA Annual Convention. Chicago, IL. January 9-12, 2014. By competition. Domestic Violence in Rebecca Wests Indissoluble Matrimony. Rebecca West: Celebrity, Publicity, Memory. New York University, New York, NY. September 21-22, 2013. Garden Flowers, Wildflowers and Machines. D.H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers: 100 Years. Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, NY. September 17, 2013. Love of the Past in Elizabeth Bowens A World of Love. Annual American Conference for Irish Studies. DePaul University, Chicago, IL. April 10-13, 2013. How Much Mud Does a Man Need? Land and Liquidity in Parades End. Ford Madox Ford and Parades End. Institute of English Studies, University of London, London, UK. September 27-29, 2012. Rebecca Wests Modernist Struggle against Fascism in Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. Modernist Studies Association Conference XIII. SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. October 6-9, 2011. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, Rebecca West, and Empire. Rebecca West and Power. Baruch College, New York, NY. September 16-17, 2011. Flaneur in Wartime: Elizabeth Bowens The Heat of the Day, Ireland, and the Blitz. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. April 7-10, 2011. Ford Madox Fords Parades End: Crisis of Memory, Crisis of History. Modernist Studies Association Conference XII. Victoria, Canada. November 11-14, 2010 (panel organizer, Modernist Historiography). Irish Civil War Orphans: Elizabeth Bowens The Last September. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. McGill University, Montreal. April 8-11, 2010. No Soldier: Frank McGuinnesss Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme. Ireland by the Sea: The American Conference for Irish Studies, Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey. September 18-19, 2009. Ford and France, Circularity and Trade. Ford Madox Ford and France. Universit de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France. September 10-12, 2009. Listening for Class in Ford Madox Fords Parades End. 11th Annual Space Between Conference. Notre Dame University, Indiana. June 11-13, 2009. The Ferociously Odd, Mutually Beneficial Editorial Relationship of Ford and Wyndham Lewis. Ford Madox Ford and Editing. Durham University, Durham, UK. September 12-14, 2008. Irish Nationalisms Repressed Memory of World War One: Liam OFlahertys The Return of the Brute. Narrative at the Intersection of Queerness and Violence. CLAGS Panel (Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies). Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York. December 4, 2007. Not Safe if Used as Directed: Philip K. Dicks Ubik and the Ubiquity of Advertising. Wide Open Spaces. Graduate Center of the City University of New York English Student Association Conference. March 30, 2007. Peer Review Manuscript peer reviewer, Modernism/modernity, 2021 Book proposal reviewer, Oxford University Press, 2021 Manuscript peer reviewer, PMLA, 2017 Manuscript peer reviewer, Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 2013 University, College, and Department Service 2022-23 Associate Chair; Chanukah Dinner Research Representative; Honors interviewer; Committee on Academic Standards; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Department Majors Meeting Organizer; English Faculty advisor 2021-22 Associate Chair; Committee on Academic Standards; Open House English Department representative; English Majors Meetings organizer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor; Mirsky Award Committee 2020-21 Committee on Academic Standards; Career Day Humanities Representative; English Majors Meetings organizer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor 2019-20 Committee on Academic Standards; Honors interviewer; Visiting Honors Students Mock Seminars; English Majors Meetings organizer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor; English Department Adjunct Hiring Committee; Poetry Club guest speaker 2018-19 Contributed chapter to Gleanings: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Ruth (17Թ Books); Orientation representative; Committee on Academic Standards; Honors interviewer; Visiting Honors Students Mock Seminars; English Majors Meetings organizer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor 2017-18 Orientation representative; Committee on Academic Standards; Honors interviewer; Visiting Honors Students Mock Seminars; Faculty Phonathon; Provosts Celebration of University Authors Presenter; English Department Adjunct Mentoring; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor; English Department Adjunct Hiring Committee; English Majors Meetings organizer; English 1100 Assessment committee; Contributor to Assessment Reports for Gen. Ed and Dept 2016-17 Committee on Academic Standards; Honors interviewer; Visiting Honors Students Mock Seminars; Visiting Students Mock Lecture; Faculty Phonathon; Science Fiction Club Sponsor; English Department Adjunct Mentoring; Mirsky Award Committee; English Department Composition Adjunct Hiring Committee; English Majors Meetings organizer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor; Contributor to Assessment Reports for Gen. Ed and Dept 2015-16 Honors interviewer; Science Fiction Club Sponsor; Mirsky Award Committee; English Department Composition Adjunct Hiring Committee; English Majors Meetings organizer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor 2014-15 University Humanities in Dialogue interviewee; Honors interviewer; English Majors Meetings organizer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor 2013-14 Honors interviewer; English Department Publicity Coordinator; English Faculty advisor Other Professional Service Chair, Ford Madox Ford Society Co-chair, Columbia University Irish Studies Seminars, Fall 2019 - present Conference Organizer, Ford Madox Ford and Toulon, Universit de Toulon, June 2019. Co-Founder and Book Review Editor, Last Post (a journal of Ford Madox Ford, launched Fall 2018) Participant, documentary film It Was the Nightingale: The Unreliable Story of Ford Madox Ford, directed by Paul Lewis (2018, www.fordmadoxfordfilm.com) Conference Organizer, Joseph Conrad: Conradian Crosscurrents: Creativity and Critique, Fordham University, New York, June 1-3, 2017. American Treasurer, Ford Madox Ford Society, 2013 2020 Trustee, Joseph Conrad Society of America, 2016 2019 Conference Organizer, Ford Madox Ford and America, CUNY Graduate Center, Sep. 23-25, 2010 Memberships Ford Madox Ford Society, Chair Joseph Conrad Society of America Modern Language Association Modernist Studies Association American Conference for Irish Studies     OMalley  PAGE 8 #$DOP^_tu $ g k q r ȽȲvmvamaaaUJBJhLG*OJQJhhd|TOJQJhhd|T5OJQJhThd|TOJQJ\hLG*OJQJ\hLG*hLG*OJQJ\hd|T5CJOJQJaJhhd|T5CJOJQJaJh-<OJQJhh3OJQJhhtVOJQJhhDvOJQJhh OJQJhh%ROJQJhhK4OJQJhTOJQJhhtVCJ(OJQJaJ($P_u$ k # $ . : @ _ $IfgdYL^LgdYgdd|T^gdd|T^gdd|TL^Lgd;(*$a$gdY$a$gd3 $ a$gd(;   ! # $ - . : @ _ ` l q    ! / 7 R S ɾthThtOJQJ\h h OJQJ\h OJQJ\ha$OJQJ\hh(O5CJOJQJaJhhd|T5CJOJQJaJhhOJQJhhtVCJOJQJaJhLG*5OJQJhhd|T5OJQJhLG*OJQJhhd|TOJQJ(_ ` l q }}} $IfgdYxkd$$IflF8bR&* t'    44 lapytY }}}} $IfgdYxkd$$IflF8bR&* t'    44 lapytY ! 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