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Zweig, Ph.D., ABPP Address Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology 17Թ 1165 Morris Park Avenue, Rousso Building rm. 125 Bronx, NY 10461 Telephone (646) 592-4349 Email  HYPERLINK "mailto:richard.zweig@yu.edu" richard.zweig@yu.edu Licensure New York State Psychologist (010287-1): 1990 Board Certification Geropsychology, American Board of Professional Psychology (#7757): 2014 Professional Employment and Appointments Current 9/2016 - Professor of Psychology, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, 17Թ Bronx, NY 9/2001 - Director, Ferkauf Older Adult Program, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, 17Թ Bronx, NY 3/2009 - Psychologist Consultant Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System Manhasset, NY 1991 - Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, NY Education (6/ 89) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Clinical Psychology Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Specialization: Geriatric Clinical Psychology (5/ 82) Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biopsychology Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Post-Graduate Training (1996-1997) Certification in Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Zucker Hillside Hospital Glen Oaks, NY (9/88-8/89) Postdoctoral Fellow: Medical Psychology Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL (7/87  6/88) Predoctoral Fellow: Clinical Psychology Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, CT Professional Society Memberships American Psychological Association, Divisions 12, 20 Gerontological Society of America Psychologists in Long Term Care American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Academic and Professional Awards and Honors 2014 Recipient, Innovative Training Award, Council of Professional GeroPsychology Training Programs (CoPGTP), on behalf of the Ferkauf Older Adult Program (FOAP) 2011- present Fellow, Behavioral and Social Sciences Section, Gerontological Society of America 2012 2013 Chair, Council of Professional GeroPsychology Training Programs (CoPGTP) 2008 2010 Treasurer, APA Division 12, Section 2 ( Society of Clinical Psychology Clinical Gero-Psychology Section) 2003 President - Division of Adult Development and Aging New York State Psychological Association 2001 Greenberg Award for Excellence in Geriatric Psychiatry Zucker Hillside Hospital 1989 George Yacorzynski Award for Dissertation Excellence Div. of Psychology, Northwestern University Editorial and Reviewer Appointments 2013 Present Editorial Board, Clinical Gerontologist 2012 Present Abstract / Programs Reviewer, Gerontological Society of America 2010 Grant Reviewer, Graduate Psychology Education Program, Bureau of Health Professions, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2005 Special Issue Coordinator, Gerontology and Geriatrics Education 2004-2005 Editorial Board, Journal of Mental Health and Aging 1995-2002 Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Gero-Psychology 2001 Present Ad-hoc Reviewer Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences International Journal of Aging and Human Development Journal of Clinical Gero-Psychology Clinical Gerontologist Psychology and Aging Committee Memberships and Appointments 2014 -- present Member, Behavioral and Social Sciences Section Fellowship Committee, Gerontological Society of America 2013 present Board of Directors, American Board of Professional Psychology Geropsychology; Chair: Maintenance of Certification Committee 2008 present Representative for 17Թ, Council of Professional GeroPsychology Training Programs (CoPGTP) 2012 2014 Board of Directors, Council of Professional GeroPsychology Training Programs (CoPGTP) 2013 Member, Aging Leadership Council (comprised of leaders of APA Committee on Aging, Divisions 20 and 12-2, PLTC and CoPGTP) 2012 2013 Member, APA Geropsychology Practice Guidelines Revision Working Group 2012 2014 Member, CoPGTP Geropsychology ABPP development task force 2007 2012 Member, Task Force on the Assessment of Geropsychology Competencies, Council of Professional Geropsychology Training Programs 2004 2012 Member, Steering Committee, Annual Behavioral Sciences Student Research Conference, 17Թ 2007 2010 Federal Education Advocacy Coordinator, NY-NJ Region, American Psychological Association Education Directorate 2002 2009 Chair, Clinical Program Colloquium Committee, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology of 17Թ 2005 2006 Planning Committee and Working Group Facilitator, National Conference on Training in Professional Psychology 2003 2007 Member, Grassroots Network for Education Advocacy (GPE Program), American Psychological Association Education Directorate 2005 2006 Member, Planning Committee, & Panelist for One-Day Conference, Self-Neglect in Older Adults: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approach, Wurtzweiler School of Social Work, 17Թ 2005 Co-sponsor, First Annual Resnick Gerontology Center Poster Session and Reception on Aging, Geriatrics, and Gerontology Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. 2003 2005 Member, Ad hoc Committee on Specialty Training in Gero-Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 12- Section 2 RESEARCH AND TRAINING GRANTS 9/30/03- 9/29/06 Principal Investigator, Doctoral Gero-Psychology Training in a Primary Care Setting, DHHS-HRSA Bureau of Health Prof. Graduate Gero-Psychology Education (GGEP) Program 1-T06HP01810-01-00 9/30/02- 9/29/03 Co-Principal Investigator, Doctoral Gero-Psychology Training in a Primary Care Setting, DHHS-HRSA Bureau of Health Professions Graduate Psychology Education (GPE) Program 1-D40-HP-00019-01 PI: L. Siegel, Ph.D. 1986  1987 Principal Investigator, Determinants of Reminiscence Activity in the Medically Ill Elderly, Veteran's Administration Doctoral Training Award, Dept. of Health Services Research, Hines V.A. Hospital, Chicago IL. PI: R. Zweig, Ph.D. BIBLIOGRAPHY (*denotes student) Original Communications in Peer-Reviewed Journals *Romirowsky, A., Zweig, R.A., Baker, L. & Sirey J. (published online, October 2018). The Relationship Between Maladaptive Personality and Social Role Impairment in Depressed Older Adults in Primary Care. Clinical Gerontologist, DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2018.1536687. *Sullivan, D., Zeff, P., & Zweig, R.A. (2018). Psychotherapy Termination Practices with Older Adults: Impact of Patient and Therapist Characteristics. Clinical Gerontologist, 41:5, 399-411, DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2018.1437101. [NOTE: Awarded Best paper published by a New and Emerging Scholar in Clinical Gerontologist in 2018] *Kato, K., Zweig, R.A., Schechter, S.B., Barzilai, N., & Atzmon, G. (2016). Positive attitude toward life, emotional expression, self-rated health, and depressive symptoms among centenarians and near-centenarians. Aging and Mental Health, 20(9), 930-939. Karel, M., Altman, A., Zweig, R. & Hinrichsen, G. (2014). Supervision in professional geropsychology training: Perspectives of supervisors and supervisees. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8(1), 43-50. *Kato, K., Zweig, R.A., Schechter, S.B., Verghese, J., Barzilai, N., & Atzmon, G. (2013). Personality, Self-Rated Health, and Cognition in Centenarians: Do Personality and Self-Rated Health Relate to Cognitive Function in Advanced Age? Aging, 5(3), 183-191. *Kato, K., Zweig, R.A., Barzilai, N., & Atzmon, G. (2012). Positive attitude towards life and emotional expression as personality phenotypes for centenarians. Aging, 4 (5), 1-9. Holtzer, R., Zweig, R.A., & Siegel, L. (2012). Learning from the past and planning for the future: The challenges of and solutions for integrating aging into doctoral psychology training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 6 (3), 142-150. *Gordon, R., Rosenheck, R., Zweig, R.A., & Harpaz-Rotem (2012). Health and Social Adjustment of Homeless Older Adults with Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services, 63 (6), 561-568. Karel, M., Holley, C., Whitbourne, S., Segal, D., Tazeau, Y., Emery, E., Molinari, V., Yang, J., Zweig, R. (2012). Preliminary Validation of a Tool to Assess Knowledge and Skills for Professional Geropsychology Practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43(2), 110-117. Karel, M.J., Emery, E.E., Molinari, V. & the CoPGTP Task Force on the Assessment of Geropsychology Competencies (2010). Development of a tool to evaluate geropsychology knowledge and skill competencies. International Psychogeriatrics, 22 (6), 886-896. *Snyder, R.J., & Zweig, R.A. (2010). Medical and psychology students knowledge and attitudes regarding aging and sexuality. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 31 (3), 235-255. Qualls, S.H., Scogin, F., Zweig, R.A., Whitbourne, S.K. (2010). Predoctoral Training Models in Professional Geropsychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 4(2), 85-90. Zweig, R.A. (2008). Personality Disorder in Older Adults: Assessment Challenges and Strategies. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39 (3), 298-305. Zweig, R.A., & Turkel, E. (2007). The Social Adjustment Scale Self Report: Psychometric properties for older adults. Psychological Reports, 101, 920-926. *Schmutte, T., Harris, S., Levin, R., Zweig, R., Katz, M., & Lipton, R. (2007). The Relation between Cognitive Functioning and Self-Reported Sleep Complaints in Non-Demented Older Adults: Results from the Bronx Aging Study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 5, 39-56. Zweig, R.A., Siegel, L., & *Snyder, R. Clinical Gero-Psychology Training in Primary Care: Preliminary Findings from a Clinical Training Project (2006). Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 13, 19-28. Zweig, R.A. (2005). Suicide Prevention in Older Adults: An Interdisciplinary Challenge. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 12, 260-263. Zweig, R.A., Siegel, L., Hahn, S., Kuslansky, G., Byrne, K., Fyffe, D., Passman, V., Stewart, D., Hinrichsen, G. Doctoral clinical geropsychology training in a primary care setting (2005). Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 25, 109-129. Hinrichsen, G., Zweig, R. Models of Training in Clinical Geropsychology (2005). Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 25, 1-4. Zweig, R.A. (2003). Personality Disorders in Older Adults: Managing the Difficult Patient. Clinical Geriatrics, 11, 22-25. Hillman, J., Stricker G., Zweig, R. (1997). Clinical Psychologists' Judgments of Older Adult Patients with Character Pathology: Implications for Practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 28, 179-183. Hinrichsen, G.A., & Zweig, R.A. (1994). Family Issues in Late Life Depression. Journal of Long-term Home Health Care, 13, 4-15. Zweig, R.A. & Hinrichsen, G.A. (1993). Factors Associated with Suicide Attempts in Depressed Older Adults: A Prospective Study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 1687-1692. Peterson, C. A., Levin, R., & Zweig, R. (1989). The Erotized Transference: An Adaptive Point of View. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, 7, 129141. Books, Chapters in Books, and Review Articles Books Rosowsky, E., Abrams R., Zweig R. (Eds.) (1999). Personality Disorder in Older Adults: Emerging Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Chapters in Books Balsis, S., Zweig, R., & Molinari, V. (2015). Personality disorders in later life. In P. Lichtenberg & B. Mast, (Eds.) Handbook of Professional Gero-Psychology: Vol. 2. Assessment, treatment, and issues of later life (pp.79-94). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. Segal, D.L., Zweig, R., & Molinari, V. (2012). Personality disorders in later life. In S.K. Whitbourne & M. Sliwinski (Eds.) Handbook of Developmental Psychology: Adult Development and Aging (pp. 312-330). New York: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Zweig, R. A., & Agronin, M.E. (2011). Personality Disorders in Late Life. In M.E. Agronin, G.J. Maletta (Eds.) Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry (2nd ed. pp. 523-543). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. Zweig, R.A., & *Parchi, D.S. (2011). Diagnostic and Treatment Issues Regarding Personality Disorder in Older Adults. In Abou-Saheh, M, Katona, C., Kumar, A (Eds.) Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry (3rd ed.) (pp. 655-661). Chichester, UK: Wiley. Zweig, R.A., *Marino, P., Hinrichsen, G.A. (2009). Insight-oriented, interpersonal, and integrative psychotherapy. In W. Reichman, P. Katz (eds.) Psychiatry in Long Term Care (2nd edition) (pp. 311-340). New York: Oxford University Press. Zweig, R.A., Agronin, M.E. (2006). Personality Disorders in Late Life. In M.E. Agronin, G.J. Maletta (eds.) Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry (pp. 449-469). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. Zweig, R.A., Hillman, J. (1999). Personality Disorders in Adults: A Review. In E. Rosowsky, R. Abrams, R. Zweig (Eds.) Personality Disorder in Older Adults: Emerging Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment (pp. 31-53). NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Zweig, R.A., Hinrichsen, G.A. (1996). Insight-oriented and Supportive Psychotherapy. In W.E. Reichman, P. Katz (Eds.), Psychiatric Care in the Nursing Home (pp. 188-208). New York: Oxford University Press. RECENT PRESENTATIONS Conference Presentations *Atlas L., Zweig, R. (2019, November). Social support buffers the relationship between personality pathology and depression in older adults. Poster presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Austin, TX. *Kafker, S. Zweig, R. (2018, November). Social support buffers the relationship between personality pathology and depression in older adults. Poster presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA. *Romirowsky, A., Zweig, R., Glick, L. & Sirey, J. (2017, July). Maladaptive personality and social impairment in depressed older adults in primary care. Poster presented at the 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, CA. *Yu, K., Zweig, R. (2017, March). Cognitive variables in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Rorschach: The effects of age, education, and depression in a mixed age sample. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA. *Joel, N., Zweig, R.& Cho, S. (2016, December). Religiosity as a moderator of the loneliness-depression relationship in community-dwelling older adults.Poster presented at the 20th Annual Nefesh International Conference, Hauppage, NY. * Fox, A., Grinman, A., Palma, A., Bronshteyn, D., & Zweig, R.A. (2016, November). Acculturation, depression, functioning, and social isolation among Russian older adult immigrants. Poster presented at the 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Zweig, R.A. (2016, October). Discussant. In P. Marino (Chair), Dissemination and Implementation of Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Older Adults. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY. * Sitt, A., Marino, P., & Zweig, R.A. (2015, November). The effect of an adaptive CBT intervention on optimism, self-efficacy, and perceived psychological well-being in a pilot intervention for depressed older adults. Poster presented at the 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL. *Glick, L., Zweig, R.A., Sirey, J., & Romirowsky, A. (2015, August). Relationship between personality pathology, depression and functioning in older adults. Poster presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Instructional / Educational Materials used in Print or other Media October, 2015: APA Video Series: Psychologists in Integrated Care: 17Թ / Jacobi Hospital. Available at  HYPERLINK "https://owa.einstein.yu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=3JoP1UEFn0-v4tdQvQu5qLQQyfs6K9MIoRig8yYKipw9s4yqIdTSOvkRL_upZ1lAEPkNeZiuIJc.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.apa.org%2fhealth%2fpsychologists-integrated-care.aspx" \t "_blank" http://www.apa.org/health/psychologists-integrated-care.aspx December, 2018: APA Monitor series on Working with Older Adults features Ferkauf Older Adult Program     PAGE  PAGE 2  7=CDNst      # ) * + , : @ A B C O u { | } ˷h>Vjh>Vj5\tH h>VjtHh-5\mH sH  hv5\hhZ0J hZhZhZjhZUhch-mH sH hc5\mH sH h|(hbVjgd>Vjgd &d P    n x y { # X v     & ' g  , - D E 01lEijk#()4h+hh,h;7h|(hUhnh>Vjh-h>Vjh>VjtHS  n x y GGG<$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$ ^ `a$;$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$ ^ a$gdn?$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$ ^ `a$gdn # X     & ' 7$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$gdU4$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$ ' g  , - D E 014$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$1 \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$1lEijy p^p`gd>Vjgd|(gd|(7$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$gd>Vj4$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$jk#)Ec4$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$p^p p^p` p^p`gd7$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$gd|( p^p`gd|(gd>Vj Ede345  /STp&[ -MNOvw-{|}XY^¾º¶hdSh>ohVBh>Vjhk hk6]hc h->* h-6] hjchjch'Zhjchjc6hjch?h-HEde5 T~7$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$gd p^p`gd?gdjc4$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$&[ -NOvw|}XY p^p`gd>ogdVB p^p`gd>'<$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$?^`?a$^,-.9tuv uvjkmn<=]uvw6 L M N i չյhb*h-OJQJhh_h-hhkhjch>Vjh2khdS h'Zh'ZhGh'ZGY-.tuvuvjkmn<gd p^p`gd p^p`gdk p^p` p^p`gd>Vj p^p`gd p^p`gdG<=]vw6 N }}}4$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$a$<$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$4^4`a$ p^p`N i j M!g!h!i!!!!!"""||wgdE`$gd#gdbgdPgdvgddSgdW0gdNgd&x$$$!$)$2$:$B$G$H$J$P$Z$]$j$$$$%%%%%j%%%%%%%%%%& &&&#&)&1&6&7&9&?&L&W&Y&j&k&˽{hmhB*PJo(phhTRhmhB*PJo(phhmhB*phhmhnHtHh 6hmhnHtHhKnHtHhvhdShE`$hE`$6]hE`$hN hN6] hW06]hW0hNnHtHhW0nHtHh 6hW0nHtH0k&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'''''''%'2'j'''''''h(j(((((((((((9)ȴȕȎ{ hPhPhPhvhv6 hvhvhvhKhK6h 6hKnHtHhKnHtHhKhehfhmhhmh6hmhhTRhmhB*PJo(phhmhB*PJo(phh hmhOJPJQJ^Jo(hmhB*ph/9)M)O)`)b)c)j)))))?*@*j*n*p*v******M+j+o+p+s+~++++++++++++ ,(,2,4,5,V,j,r,¹ǠǠǠNJ{wwh{hXh6 h{6\h|0h{6\ h/""h{ hXM\h/""h{\ h,6\h,h,6\h#1mHnHu h,\ h{\hvhv6hvh>h>6 h>>F>󳾳6.4,5,,,--5.6.* hR.h"hR.h"H* h"6]h" h"h"hwhR.hP6 hV m] hV m6hR.h~6 h~6h>/88*9+93:4:$;%;;<<<=======>ٳ>">)>+><>p>>>>>>>>>>>>>??? ?"?3?g?????????? @(@@@@@@@@A AAAAABŽhpLhG6]mH sH hGmH sH hpLmH sH hsKhsKH*mH sH hsK6]mH sH hsKmH sH htSihctHh7hcmH sH hcmH sH h7h3mH sH h3mH sH  h3tH hctH3>>??@@BBBBDD%E&EnFpF{G|G~GGGWIXIII p^p`gd9c=gd7gd@gdIgd>E gdsKgdtSiBBB B5BBBBBBBBC C%C'C*C7C8CECaCcCCCCCCCC DDDD DZDDD E$E%E&E/E2E@ECEQE^Eļ~w hIh>E hIh>E 6]hIh>E h>E 6]mH sH h>E 6]mH sH h>E h7h@mH sH h@mH sH hkUmH sH hkUhkUmH sH #hkUhkU6B*]mH phsH hkUhkUB*mH phsH hGmH sH h>E mH sH .^EEFF FLFnFoFpFqF{FFFFFGG G+GzG{G|G~GGGG/H8H9H:HHII/IUIVIĶϩ|mm|\\| h9c=h9c=>*B*OJQJphh9c=h9c=B* OJQJph `&jh9c=h9c=B* OJQJUph `h{sh9c=B*phh9c=h9c=5\h-htSih7mH sH tHhP0htSi6]mH sH htSi6]mH sH htSimH sH hP0htSimH sH h7h@mH sH h@mH sH h@6]mH sH #VIWIXI`I}IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII h#0Jh# h#0Jjh#0JUhJI}jhJI}Uh3h-B* OJQJph `)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII p^p`gd9c=h]hgd &`#$gd-5 01h:p/ =!"#$% x2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ tSiNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH D@D  Heading 1$$@&a$ 5>*\F@F  Heading 2$@&5\mHsHtH@  Heading 3m$$ \d4T  $ tDd4!"T$@&a$6]HH  Heading 5$$@&a$5CJ4\aJDA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List B@ Body TextF Ap@ P !$`'0*-/2p5@8B*PJmH phsH b @bFooter !5$7$8$9DH$9CJOJQJaJmHnHu0U`0 Hyperlink>*B*LC@"L Body Text Indentp^p`<P2< Body Text 2 B*phFV AF FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph.)@Q.  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