ࡱ>  k[bjbjVV A<<;S/8Qx ~xxxxxxx$zm}rxGCGCGCxxTTTGCn~xTGC~xTTnt2wKXu jxx0xu@} Rr}@2w}2w8& T1F: xxSfxGCGCGCGC} : Curriculum Vitae Terry DiLorenzo, Ph.D. Personal Data: Office Address: Stern College for Women 245 Lexington Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 Phone: (212) 340-7879 Home Address: 27 Clover Lane Lincoln Park, N.J. 07035 Phone: (973) 585-4051 Email: dilorenz@yu.edu Education: 1993 Ph.D., Health Psychology, 17Թ, Bronx, N.Y. 1991 M.A., General Psychology, 17Թ, Bronx, N.Y. 1988 B.A., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. 1987 Study Abroad Program, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain Post-Graduate Training 1993-1995 Postdoctoral Psychology Fellowship, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y. Honors/Awards 2000 Dean Karen Bacon Faculty Award 1992 Dissertation defense passed with distinction 1991 Dean's Scholarship 1991 Psychology Student Research Award 1988 Phi Beta Kappa Academic Appointments: 2006-present Associate Professor of Psychology, Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University, New York, N.Y. 1999-2005 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Stern College for Women 1997-2001 Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, N.Y. Teaching Experience: 1999-present Psychology Department, Stern College for Women, 17Թ 1996-1998 Adjunct Instructor, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service, Tarrytown, N.Y. 1996-1997 Guest Lecturer, Aging: A Biopsychosocial Approach, Ferkauf Graduate School, 17Թ, Bronx, N.Y. 1996-1997 Instructor, Psychiatry Residency Training Program, Bergen Pines County Hospital, N.J. Medical School, Paramus, N.J. 1996-1997 Guest Lecturer, Geriatric Fellowship Program Bergen Pines County Hospital, N.J. Medical School, Paramus, N.J. 1995 Adjunct Instructor, Bloomfield College, Bloomfield, N.J. 1993 Adjunct Instructor, Felician College, Lodi, N.J. 1993 Guest Lecturer, Pediatric Residency Training Program, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, Bronx, N.Y. 1991 Teaching Assistant, Ferkauf Graduate School, 17Թ, Bronx, N.Y. Student Supervision Mentor for S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program students 2002, 2003, 2005-2009 Dissertation reader: Veronica Lenzi, 2003, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Psychological Well-Being in Elderly Women, Heather VonBergen, 2005, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Cardiovascular Reactivity, Post 9/11 Distress and Religiosity in Jewish Women Mary Alm, 2006, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, 2006, Analysis of support, perceived barriers, nutrition, and physical activity Funded Grants as Principal Investigator 2003-2006 National Institute of Health, Educating for Responsible Research Conduct in Behavioral Health. C0- Investigator: Nigel Bark, M.D. $300,000. 2002 - 2003 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Older Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: Factors Related to Adjustment, $33,000. 2001 17Թ Faculty Summer Fellowship Award, Perceived Risk and Worry Concerning Future Health: An Investigation, $15,314. 2000 17Թ Faculty Summer Fellowship Award, Aging with Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Investigation, $9,396. Funded Grants as Co-Investigator 1996-1997 Alzheimer Association Research Grant, The Phenomenology of Weight Loss in Dementia. Principal Investigator: Miriam Aronson, Ph.D., $50,000 1997 Title III Federal Funding, Geriatric Care Management program. Principal Investigator: Miriam Aronson, Ph.D., $35,000 Research Employment: 1997-1998 Director of Research, Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center, St. Agnes Hospital, New York Medical College, White Plains, NY. Served as Project Director for the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Grant, Medical Rehabilitation Research and Training Center for Multiple Sclerosis. Principal Investigator, Charles Smith, M.D., New York Medical College $3,000,000 1995-1997 Research Director, Institute on Aging, Bergen Pines County Hospital, Paramus, N.J. Clinical Experience: Licensure Psychology, New York # 012353-1 2006-2008 Mental Health Provider, National Multiple Sclerosis Societys Coached Beginnings telephone intervention Program. 1997-1998 Staff Psychologist, Multiple Sclerosis Comprehensive Care Center, New York Medical College, White Plains, N.Y 1995-1997 Support group leader, Bergen Pines County Hospital. Psychology Intern, Clinical Psychology, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, Bronx, N.Y. Other Professional Activities: Journal Reviews, Ad Hoc Disability and Rehabilitation Canadian Journal of Aging, Special Edition, 2010 Health Education and Researc Journal of Womens Health Grant Reviews National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Pilot Award Program Professional Memberships American Psychological Association Health Psychology Division, APA Society for the Teaching of Psychology, APA American Psychosomatic Society University Service 2010-present Chair, Committee on Academic Standards, Stern College for Women 2003-present Member, Academic Standards Committee, Stern College for Women 2009-present Member, Committee to Re-imagine Undergraduate Education, 17Թ 2009-2010 Member, Academic Integrity Committee, 17Թ Fall, 2009 Member, Appeals Committee, Ferkauf Graduate School, 17Թ 2008-2009 Member, Curriculum Implementation Committee, Stern College for Women 2005-2008 Member, Strategic Planning Curricular Review Committee, Stern College for Women 2005-2006 Member, The Web Project Team, 17Թ 2004-present Member, 17Թ Student Research Day Program Committee, 17Թ 2002-2005 Member, Core Committee, Lincoln Center Institute Program, Stern College for Women, 17Թ 2000-present Member, Curriculum Committee, Stern College for Women, 17Թ 1999-present Faculty Representative, Student Senate, Stern College for Women, 17Թ 1998-1999 Member, Clinical Advisory Committee, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern New York Chapter 1997 Member, Institutional Research Review Committee, Bergen Pines Hospital Other University Activities 2004-present Psychology Department Coordinator (responsible for scheduling, adjunct supervision) 2001- present Coordinator, 17Թ Teaching Fellowship in Psychology Community Activities/Public Service: 2006-present Member, Recreation Advisory Committee, Lincoln Park, NJ 2005-2007 Member, Superintendents Parent Council, Lincoln Park Elementary School 2004-present Member, Parent-Teacher Organization, Lincoln Park Elementary and Middle Schools 2000-2005 Member, Paskack Junior Womens Club 2000-present Member, Northern New Jersey Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association 1997-2004 Vice President, Park Ridge Board of Health, Park Ridge, NJ Publications: Papers: Julie B. Schnur, JB, Ouellette, SC, DiLorenzo, TA, Green, Sheryl, & Montgomery, GH. (2010). A qualitative analysis of acute skin toxicity among breast cancer radiotherapy patients, Psycho-Oncology, 20(3), 260268. DiLorenzo, TA, Halper, J, & Piccone, MA.(2009). Quality of life in MS: Does aging enhance perceptions of mental health?, Disability and Rehabilitation, 31(17), 1424-1431. DiLorenzo, TA, Becker-Fiegeles, J, Halper, J, & Piccone, MA. (2008) A qualitative investigation of factors related to adaptation in older individuals with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 30(15), 1088-1097. DiLorenzo, T, David, D, & Montgomery, GH. (2007) The interrelations between irrational cognitive processes and distress in stressful academic settings. Personality and Individual Differences, 42(2):765-776. Montgomery, G.H, David, D., DiLorenzo, T.A., & Shcnur, J.B. (2007). Response expectancies and irrational beliefs predict exam-related distress. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 25(1), 17-34. David, D., Montgomery, G., & Terry, D. (2006). Response expectancy versus response hope in predicting distress. A brief research Report. Erdelyi Pszichologiai Szemle, 7: 1-13. Schnur, J., DiLorenzo, T. A., Montgomery, G. H., Erblich, J., Winkel, G., Hall, S. J., & Bovbjerg, D. (2006). Perceived risk and worry about prostate cancer: A new model. Behavioral Medicine 32(3):89-96 DiLorenzo, T. A, Schnur, J., Montgomery, G. H., Erblich, J., Winkel, G., & Bovbjerg, D. (2006). A model of disease-specific worry in heritable disease: The influence of family history, perceived risk and worry about other illnesses. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 29(1):37-49. Goldman Consensus Group. (2005). The Goldman consensus statement on depression in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 11:328-337. DiLorenzo, T. A., Halper, J., & Picone, M. A. (2004). A comparison of older and younger individuals with multiple sclerosis: A preliminary investigation. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49(2):123-125. David, D., Montgomery, G. H., Stan, R., DiLorenzo, T. , & Erblich, J. (2004). Discrimination between hopes and expectancies for nonvolitional outcomes: Psychological phenomenon or artifact? Personality and Individual Differences, 36(8): 1945-1952. DiLorenzo, T. A, Halper, J., & Picone, M. A. (2003). Reliability and validity of the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory in older individuals. Disability and Rehabilitation, 16, 891-897. Montgomery, G. H., David, D., DiLorenzo, T., & Erblich, J. (2003). Is hoping the same as expecting? Discrimination between hopes and response expectancies for nonvolitional outcomes. Personality and Individual Differences, 35, 399-409. Montgomery, G. H., Erblich, J., DiLorenzo, T., & Bovbjerg, D. H. (2003). Family and friends with disease: Their impact on perceived risk. Preventive Medicine, 37, 242-249. Guagenti-Tax, E., DiLorenzo, T., Lennihan, L., Tenteromano, L.. & LaRocca, N. (2000). Impact of a comprehensive long-term care program on quality of life in multiple sclerosis. International Journal of MS Care, [serial on-line] 3, 21-28. Available: http://www.mscare.com. DiLorenzo, T. A., Bovbjerg, D. H., Montgomery, G.H., Valdimarsdottir, H. & Jacobsen, P. B. (1999). The application of a shortened version of the Profile of Mood States in a sample of breast cancer chemotherapy patients. British Journal of Health Psychology, 4, 315325. Kalb, R. C., DiLorenzo, T. A., LaRocca, N. G., & Smith, C. (1999). The impact of early-onset MS on cognitive and psychosocial indices. International Journal of MS Care, [serial on-line] 1, 1-6. Available: http://www.mscare.com. DiLorenzo, T. A., Jacobsen, P. B., Bovbjerg, D. H., Cheng, H., Hudis, C., & Sklarin, N. (1995). Sources of anticipatory emotional distress in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. Annals of Oncology, 6, 705-711. DiLorenzo, T., Abramo, D., Hein, K., Clare, G., Dell, R., & Shaffer, N. (1993). The evaluation of targeted outreach in an adolescent HIV/AIDS program. Journal of Adolescent Health, 13, 301-306. Wylie-Rosett, J., Cypress, M., Walker, E., Engel, S., D'Eramo-Melkus, G., & DiLorenzo, T. (1992). Assessment of nutrition care provided to patients with diabetes in primary care clinics. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 92(7), 854-856. Cypress, M., Wylie-Rosett, J., Engel, S., & Stager (DiLorenzo), T. (1991). What is the scope of practice of diabetes educators? The Diabetes Educator 18(2), 111-114. Professional Clinical Bulletin DiLorenzo, T. (2006) (updated 2008, 2010). Aging with Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical Bulletin. National Multiple Sclerosis Society: New York, NY. http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Clinical%20Bulletins.asp Published Abstracts/ Presentations DiLorenzo, T., Fisher, E.H., Dornelas, E. Attitudes toward Seeking Medical Help: Ethnic Diversity. Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2011 DiLorenzo, T, Becker-Fiegeles, J. Educating for the Responsible Conduct of Research in Psychology. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August, 2010 DiLorenzo, T., David, D, Montgomery, GH. The binary model of distress: Associations between general and specific rational and irrational beliefs and exam distress. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August, 2010 DiLorenzo, T, Dornelas, EA, and Fischer, EH. Attitudes toward seeking medical help: Development of a comprehensive measure. Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual meeting, March, 2009, Chicago, IL. DiLorenzo, T, Halper, J, Picone, MA. Quality of Life in MS: Does Aging Enhance Perceptions of Mental Health? Poster presented at the American Psychosomatic Society Annual meeting, March, 2008, Baltimore, MD. DiLorenzo, T. Attitudes toward Psychological Help Seeking in Undergraduates. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August, 2008, Boston, MA. Oxman, HE, DiLorenzo, T. Validity of MMPI-2 L scores in Orthodox Jewish Undergraduate Females. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August, 2008, Boston, MA. Dornelas, E, Stepnowski, R, Ferrand, J, Barbagallo, J, McCullough, L, DiLorenzo, T. Affect- Focused psychotherapy to treat antepartum depression. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, March, 2007, Washington, DC. DiLorenzo, T., and Becker-Fiegeles, J. An examination of educational practices and monitoring for the responsible conduct of research in behavioral science education programs. Paper presented at the Office of Research Integrity Meeting, December, 2006, Safety Harbor, FL. DiLorenzo, T. Sweet, R., Halper, J., and Piccone, M.A. Mental health as a function of age in multiple sclerosis. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, March, 2006, San Francisco, CA. DiLorenzo, T.A., & Gibelman, M. Methods for educating psychology students and faculty about the responsible conduct of research. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August, 2005, Washington, DC. DiLorenzo, T.A., Becker-Feigeles, J., Halper, J., & Piccone, M. A. A qualitative investigation of factors related to adjustment in older individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Paper presented at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting, June, 2005, Orlando, FL. DiLorenzo, T. A., Schnur, J., Montgomery, G. H., Erblich, J., Winkel, G., & Bovbjerg, D. H. A model of disease-specific worry in heritable diseases. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, April, 2005, Boston, MA. Schnur, J., DiLorenzo, T. A., Montgomery, G. H., Erblich, J., Winkel, G., Hall, S. J., & Bovbjerg, D.H. Perceived risk and worry about prostate cancer: A new model. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, April, 2005, Boston, MA. Gibelman, M., DiLorenzo, T., & Bark, N. Educating for the responsible conduct of research in behavioral health. Paper presented at the NIH Office of Research Integrity Meeting, November, 2004, San Diego, CA. DiLorenzo, T. A., Montgomery, G. H., Erblich, J., & Bovbjerg, D. H. An analysis of perceptions of perceived risk and worry across four chronic diseases. Poster pesented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, 2004, Baltimore, MD. DiLorenzo, T., Becker Feigeles, J., Halper, J., & Picone, M. A. An Exploration of Factors related to Healthy Aging with MS. Poster presented at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting, June, 2003, San Diego, CA. DiLorenzo, T., Erblich, J., Montgomery, G., Ephron, R., Shaffren, M., & Bovbjerg, D. Family histories of disease and disease-specific worry: The role of perceived risk. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, April, 2002, Washington, DC. DiLorenzo, T., Halper, J., & Piccone, M. A. (2001). The Reliability and Validity of the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory in Older Individuals. Poster presented at the Quality of Life Measurement: Building an Agenda for the Future Conference, Parsippany, NJ. DiLorenzo, T., Halper, J., Piccone, M. A., & Lasky, A. (2001). Aging with Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Investigation. Poster presented at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting, Ft. Worth, Texas. Guagenti-Tax, E., LaRocca, N., Lennihan, L., Tenteromano, L., DiLorenzo, T., & Smith, C. (1998). Comprehensive follow-up for long-term care in MS. Poster presented at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio. Kalb, R., Shawaryn, M., DiLorenzo, T., & Smith, C. (1997). Psychoeducational resources for children having a parent with multiple sclerosis. Paper presented at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. DiLorenzo, T., & Aronson, M. K. (1997). Geriatric evaluation: The realities of developing and sustaining a program. The Gerontologist, 37(2): 51. Aronson, M. K., & DiLorenzo, T. (1997). Dementia research: Where have all the subjects gone? The Gerontologist, 37(2): 17. DiLorenzo, T., Tootchen, L., Smith, F., & Aronson, M. K. (1996). M. Dementia-related problems in "well" residents of senior housing. The Gerontologist, 36(1):192. Aronson, M. K., DiLorenzo, T. A, & Nesje, B. (1996). Weight change in dementia. The Gerontologist, 36(1):192. Aronson, M. K., Coyne, A., & DiLorenzo, T. (1996). The psychological costs of caregiving: A factor in the lives of adult clients. Paper presented at the Orthopsychiatry Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. DiLorenzo, T., Millea, N., Bovbjerg, D., & Jacobsen, P. (1995). Types of conditioned stimuli that elicit anticipatory nausea in cancer patients. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 17S:157. Jacobsen, P., Bovbjerg, D., DiLorenzo, T., & Hudis, C. (1995), Psychological factors predict Post-infusion emotional distress in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 17S:178. McDonald, P., DiLorenzo, T., Redd, W., & Bovbjerg, D. (1995). Chemotherapy in a novel setting reduces anticipatory nausea. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 17S:175. Aronson, M., Nesje, B., Shiffman, J., Smith, F., Adler, J., & DiLorenzo, T. (1995). Geriatric evaluation and management: Utilization and outcomes. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. DiLorenzo, T. A. (1995). Anticipatory emotional distress during chemotherapy: The role of classical conditioning. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY DiLorenzo, T. A., Bovbjerg, D. H., Jacobsen, P. B., & Hudis, C. A. (1995). Classical conditioning contributes to posttreatment nausea in cancer patients. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY. DiLorenzo, T. A., Jacobsen, P. B., & Bovbjerg, D. H. (1994). Prevalence and predictors of anticipatory emotional distress during chemotherapy treatment. Program Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. DiLorenzo, T., Millea, N., Bovbjerg, D., & Jacobsen, P. (1995). Types of conditioned stimuli that elicit anticipatory nausea in cancer patients. Citation poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. DiLorenzo, T. A., Jacobsen, P..B., & Bovbjerg, D. H. (1994). Predictors of anticipatory emotional distress in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Invited Presentations 2005 Workshop leader (with M. Gibelman). Rules for the road: Teaching and conducting ethical research faculty development institute. Council of Social Work Educators Annual Meeting, February, 2005, New York, NY. 2003 Discussant, Helping medical caregivers cope with the emotional consequences of patient death. Symposium at the Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Annual Meeting, New York, NY. 2002 Participant in the Sylvia Goldman Consensus Conference on The Identification and Treatment of Affective Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis, New York, NY 2000 Conditioned Emotional Distress in Chemotherapy, Psi Chi Honor Society Meeting, Stern College for Women, 17Թ 1997 Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness, Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Bergen Pines County Hospital, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 1997 Conditioned Anticipatory Reactions in Chemotherapy, Keynote Presentation at the Annual Meeting, Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Health Psychology Division 1996 Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness in Geriatric Practice, Grand Rounds, Department of Geriatrics, Hackensack Hospital, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 1995 Conditioned Anticipatory Reactions in Chemotherapy, Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, New York Medical College Courses Taught Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology, Honors Health Psychology Introductory Psychology Psychology of Aging Research Seminar, Honors Social Psychology Fundamentals of Public Health, Honors Human Sexuality     PAGE 11 Terry DiLorenzo ')7   $ $ ; = n 9 :   234Aԫ☊tih|Lh|LOJQJh|L5>*OJQJhxP5>*OJQJh|LhxP5>*OJQJhxPOJQJh&Nhz OJQJh&N5>*OJQJhighYorOJQJhYorOJQJhigh9OJQJhighz 5>*OJQJhighz OJQJhighz 5OJQJ highz $()89b{  % & g # $ $ `a$$ `p^p`a$$@ `@ a$$ `@ ^@ `a$$a$$a$$ < =  , W m n < $^`a$gdYor$a$gdYor$ `p^p`a$$`a$ $0^`0a$$p`pa$$a$  m #dV34$ `p^p`a$$p`pa$ $p^p`a$$p^p`a$gdYor$a$ABy~%&=;<>fgopɾ豧{rg_gPh:h:OJQJmHsHh:OJQJhigh:OJQJhtOJQJ\highz 5OJQJhighz OJQJh2Y|h2Y|OJQJh2Y|OJQJaJh|LOJQJaJh|Lh|LOJQJaJh2Y|h|LOJQJ h|Lh|Lh|Lh|L>*ϴ󴥳/ϴ󴥳󴥳ϴ󴥳󴥳5Oϴ4%&<>fggdtp^pgd:gd: $p^p`a$$a$$ `p^p`a$^gd|Lgd|L$ `p^p`a$gd|L|4)KV\wl`highz >*OJQJhightOJQJh:h:5OJQJhY,+OJQJh:OJQJhight5OJQJhighz 5>*OJQJhighz OJQJh/T5OJQJhighz 5OJQJ highz highz OJQJ\h:h:OJQJmHsHh:h:5OJQJmHsH%Iq K$ & F a$$ ``^``a$$p^pa$$ `p^p`a$$a$RSmn|;@A_`ast h5NOº“zqeq\q\SqShY,+OJQJ\h/TOJQJ\high)VOJQJ\h)VOJQJ\highz 5OJQJ\h/T5OJQJ\high/TOJQJh/T5OJQJh/Th/TOJQJhYorOJQJh-OJQJh/TOJQJhz OJQJhighz OJQJh-5OJQJhighz 5OJQJhighz 5>*OJQJ6Smn|A`athO$p^p`a$gd)V $p^p`a$$a$gd:$a$OTXbu}NWy6 7 S !!*!-!C!M!`!s!|!!""#"tkbbkh6&OJQJ\hZOJQJ\highz 5OJQJhY,+5>*OJQJhY,+OJQJhYorOJQJhYorhYor5OJQJhighz 5>*OJQJhighz OJQJhighz OJQJ\hYorOJQJ\h)VOJQJ\highcOJQJ\hY,+OJQJ\hightOJQJ\&ONy6 7 S !!,!-!s!!$p^p`a$gdYor$ `0^`0a$$p`pa$$ `p^p`a$$a$ $p^p`a$#"$"%"*"."b"c""""""T#X#[#\########$$)$*$O$Q$Źynfnf^fVf^ho]OJQJhZOJQJhYorOJQJh:hYorOJQJhZhZOJQJaJh)OJQJaJhhZOJQJaJhh}OJQJaJhhZhZOJQJaJhhnhighz 5OJQJhighz OJQJhighz 5>*OJQJhighz OJQJ\hightOJQJ\hZOJQJ\!%"T""""""""\###*$$$$f%g%%^gd:gd:`gdo]gdo]gdZ1$7$8$H$^gdZ 1$7$8$H$gdZgdn$a$$p^p`a$gdZQ$n$$$$$$$$4%Q%S%e%f%g%%%%%&&&&&6&7&8&&''дznenz]Q]hjhj6OJQJhjOJQJhn6OJQJhnhn6OJQJhnOJQJh%EOJQJhnhnOJQJh:hYorOJQJhh:OJQJh6OJQJh:h:6OJQJhOJQJh:OJQJh:h:OJQJhqAWOJQJhYorOJQJhZOJQJhZhZ6OJQJ%8&9&&''q'''.(((())*2*3**` !^gd$a$ $^a$gdc$a$gdIv: $ $a$gdc`gdngdn^gdjgdj^gdn''p'q'''''''''''''''((((((((( (-(.(/(4(r(s((((((ͽznch-hz OJQJhighz 5OJQJh-h-6OJQJ\h-OJQJ\highz OJQJ\highIv:OJQJ\mHsHhighOJQJ\mHsHhighz OJQJ\mHsH highnhnhn6OJQJ]hnOJQJhnhnOJQJhnhjOJQJ&((((((((((((((((((~)))))))*$*2*?*A*B*C*N*O*Q*ɽɽsfsfsfshighOJQJaJhighz OJQJaJhighz >*OJQJh6&hz >*OJQJh6&h6&OJQJaJh6&h6&6OJQJh6&hz 6OJQJhighz 6OJQJhighz OJQJh-h6&OJQJh-hIv:OJQJh-hz OJQJh-hOJQJ"Q*R*\*^****++++++++-+/+1+3+G++++,,,,,,,,,s-ǵreUe椓high<6OJQJ]aJhigh<OJQJaJhighz 6OJQJ]aJ highIv:OJQJaJmHsH highOJQJaJmHsH highz OJQJaJmHsH#h@hz 6OJQJaJmHsH#highz 6OJQJaJmHsHhighOJQJaJhighz OJQJaJhighIv:OJQJaJ ***_+++^,,,---.W.X.k/l/z0{0`1a1?2$0^`0a$gd $0^`0a$ $`a$gd<$a$gd<$^a$$a$$`a$s----------------5.H.W.g.h.v.w........ /*/x/z/{/|///////////H0l0±±±±ӱ䦛highz 6OJQJhighIv:OJQJhighOJQJhighz OJQJ highOJQJaJmHsH highIv:OJQJaJmHsH highz OJQJaJmHsHhighz OJQJaJhighz 6OJQJaJ/l0n0000000000000001#1m1o1p1q1~11111111111111212L2M2X2Y2b2c2m2n2w2x2z2|2222233 3!3,3-37383K3L3N3P333 4 444(4)4+4-4j4k444highz 6OJQJhighIv:OJQJhighOJQJhighz OJQJh@hz OJQJO?2@2233g3344k444444)55555 6gdob^gd)Vgd)V$a$gdn $`a$gdIv:$a$gdIv:$`a$ $^a$gd$a$gd$a$44444444444(5)5[5\555555566666667о峟vj^U^ULUh}OJQJ]hL,OJQJ]hL,hL,OJQJ]hL,OJQJmHsHh)VOJQJmHsHh6&OJQJhYor5OJQJhighz 5OJQJhight5OJQJh)VOJQJhnhnOJQJhn5OJQJh:5OJQJhnhn5OJQJhY,+5OJQJhnOJQJhz OJQJhighz OJQJ 6666@7A7=8>8899}999R::::gdu`gdwgdwgd4^gdo]gdo] 7$8$H$^gdL, 7$8$H$gdwfm$ $a$gdwfm$ 7$8$H$gdL,^gdL,gdL,^gd)V7717?7@7A7j77777777777777777778,8<8=8>88899ƷxjbVbho]hL,6OJQJhL,OJQJhwfhwf6OJQJ]h}OJQJ]hwfOJQJ]hwfOJQJhwfhwfOJQJhwfhL,OJQJhwfhwfOJQJmHsHhwfhL,OJQJmHsHhL,OJQJmHsHhL,hL,OJQJ]hL,OJQJ]hwfhL,6OJQJ]hwf6OJQJ]!999A9C9|9}9999999C:D:Q:R:V::::::;M;i;j;t;x;;;;;;;;;;Ƚvkckckckckckh4OJQJh4h4OJQJhuhu6OJQJhuOJQJhuhuOJQJhuhwOJQJho]ho]6OJQJhL,OJQJho]OJQJho]ho]OJQJho]OJQJmHsHho]ho]OJQJmHsHhL,OJQJmHsH hL,5CJOJQJ\^JaJ%:i;j;;_<`<<q=r==K>M>>8?9??P@Q@@HAIA^gdfsgdfs^ &gdob^gdob^gd6&gdob^gd4gd4^gdu;;;;;;;;;<@<^<_<`<(=L=r==)>L>M>Y>Z>[>\>^>`>> ? 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