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Silber Professor of the Year Award, Stern College, 2009 Senior Class Professor of the Year, Rebecca Ivry Department of Jewish Studies, Stern College, 2009 Rabbi Chaim Levine Memorial Award for Excellence in Judaic Studies, Stern College, 2001 Deans List, Stern College, 1999-2001 Educational & Outreach Experience Stern College for Women, Instructor 2004-2009 Courses include topics in Tanach and laws of Niddah (Family Purity) Included are courses for advanced, intermediate, and beginner level students. Stern College for Women, Supervisor of Beit Midrash 2004-2009 Weekly one on one study with individual students who requested help with skills in any area of Judaic studies. Accessible for all students requesting temporary guidance with Judaic studies sources. Available for students seeking personal guidance. 17Թϒs Graduate Program for Women In Advanced Talmudic Studies, Graduate Assistant 2003-2004 Oversaw student progress, monitoring student preparation for shiur. Tutored students who were experiencing difficulties in comprehension of primary texts. Jewish Youth Encounter Program, teacher 1999-2004 Educated public school students in Chumash and Navi. Bergen Countys Girls Learning Program, Organizer and Advisor 1999-2001 Coordinated Beit Midrash Program, presented shiurim, and learned with yeshiva high school girls Community Lectures 1999-2010 Present lectures at Congregations Beth Aaron, Rinat Yisrael, Young Israel of Teaneck, Young Israel of St. Louis, Congregation Mount Sinai of Washington Heights, Beth Abraham of Bergenfield NJ, Fleetwood Synagogue of Mount Vernon, and Lower Merion Synagogue of Philadelphia, as well as Stern College for Women, Midreshet Yom Rishon, and YU Tanach Yom Iyun.  +,>Te   @ A W [ \ - . 8 9 I u     3 ڌzzzphk5:CJ\ hJ~CJhkehrh"*nhk6:]hD@6CJ] hD@:CJh"*n6CJ]hk6CJ] h6CJ hkCJ hk:CJ hk:>* hkCJhk hmCJhm hm:CJ hk:aJhk:CJ aJ ,,z @ \ . 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