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Courses: Elementary Hebrew; Lower and Upper Intermediate Hebrew. 1984-1986, Adjunct instructor of Hebrew, Stern College for Women/17Թ. 1981-1984, Adjunct instructor of Hebrew, NYU School of Continuing Education. 1976-1979, Director of Hebrew Language Programs for Adults, World Zionist Organization American Section. Responsibilities included curriculum development and implementation as well as training and supervising Hebrew teachers throughout the Metropolitan area and various other ulpan programs in the USA. 1970-1976, Full time instructor, Hebrew University in Jerusalem School of Overseas students. Was involved in establishing the Hebrew program for foreign students at the university and co-authored three textbooks for beginners and advanced students of Hebrew which are still widely used in Israeli ulpanim and abroad. During this period, also published numerous articles on various aspects of teaching Hebrew as a second language. Recent Publications: Books:     :     , -:  , 2009 Loosen the Fetters on Thy Tongue Woman: The Poetry and Poetics of Yona Wallach, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2003. Hoveret Lemathilim: A Textbook for Beginners. Jerusalem: Akademon, 1984. Hoveret Lemitkadmim Aleph and Bet: A Textbook for Intermediates. Jerusalem: Akademon, 1974. Recent Articles and Reviews: Micro-Grammar vs. Macro-Grammar The Grammar that We Teach and the Grammar We Should Teach (Heb.], Hed Ha-Ulpan 97, Fall 2010. http://cms.education.gov.il/EducationCMS/Units/AdultEducation/HanchalatLashon/HedHaulpan/GilyonotHedHaulpan/Gilyon_97.htm Im Trying to be Good and Clean: Lunar Eclipse and the Poetics of Alona Kimhis Fictional Works [Heb.], Hador 2008. And Rachel Stole the Idols: The Emergence of Modern Hebrew Womens Writing, by Wendy Zierler, Book Review, AJS Review April 2007. Teresa vs Shunra: Female Images in the Poetry of Dalia Ravikovitch and Yona Wallach [Heb.], Iton 77 315, Oct. 2006. Language, Sex, and Gender in Yona Wallachs Poem Hebrew [Heb.], Academia Online, International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization,  HYPERLINK "http://jewishcivilization.huji.ac.il/texts.htm" http://jewishcivilization.huji.ac.il/texts.htm Yona Wallach in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia on line  HYPERLINK "http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/wallach-yona" http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/wallach-yona A Tree Grows in Queens On Like Never Before, by Ehud Havatzelet, [Heb.], Iton 77, Oct. 2003. Yona Wallach in Jewish Writers of the 20th Century, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2003. Back from Oblivion: The Nature of Word in Yona Wallachs Poetry, Hebrew Studies 41, 2000. Rept. in Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Spring 2002. Teaching Poetry and Short Stories in the Hebrew Language Classroom [Heb.], Journal of Hebrew Higher Education, 2002. Yona Wallach: An Israeli Cultural Hero [Heb.], Moznaim 74/9, 2000. Mystical Elements in Yona Wallachs Poetry [Heb.], Alei Siah 42, 1999. Recent Presentations: July 2009, HU Conference on Teaching Hebrew as a Second Language (Jerusalem, Israel): Text and Grammar: A Textual Approach to the Teaching of Hebrew grammar. July 2009, NAPH Annual Conference (UCL, London): Insiders and Outsiders in Alona Kinhis novel Lily La Tigresse. July 2008, Hebrew University Annual Workshop on Teaching Hebrew in the University (HU, Jerusalem): Thematic and Grammatical Benefits of a Poetic Text for Learners of Hebrew as a Second Language. June 2008, NAPH Annual Conference (Montreal, Canada): Macro-Grammar vs. Micro-Grammar: Which One We Teach and Which One We Should Teach. May 2008, AIS Annual Conference (NYU, NY): Rejecting the Abject in Alona Kimhis Lily La Tigresse. March 2008, An International Conference on Ruth Almog (UCL, London): Timely Interruptions: Unsettling Gender through Temporality in Ruth Almogs Novel The Exile. August 2007, National Middle East Resource Center Annual Workshop (Emory University, Atlanta, GA): Hebrew Literary Works in Hebrew Language Classroom. July 2007 NAPH Annual Conference (Sydney, Australia): Lunar Eclipse and the Poetics of Alona Kimhis Fictional Works. July 2006 EAJS Congress (Moscow, Russia): Hebrew is a Sex-maniac (and Its a Good Thing Too!): Deconstructing Linguistic Determinism in Yona Wallachs Poem Hebrew. December 2005 AJS Annual Conference (Washington DC): The Big Woman of the Dreams: Alona Kimhis Lily the Tigresse. August 2005 Hebrew University Annual Workshop on Teaching Hebrew in the University (HU, Jerusalem): Language and Social Biases in Yona Wallachs Poem Hebrew. Oct. 2004 Cambridge University (Cambridge, England): The Poetry and Poetics of Yona Wallach. February 2004 NYU Panel Discussion (NY): Performing Israeli Identities: Sexual / Textual / Political Sexuality and Its Discontent in Yona Wallachs Poetry. January 2004 Hebrew University Jerusalem; Tel-Aviv University; Haifa University (Israel): Book presentation Loosen the Fetters of Thy Tongue Woman: The Poetery and Poetics of Yona Wallach. December 2003 AJS Annual Conference (Boston, MA): I Want to Bind You in the Tefilin: Yehuda Amichai and Yona Wallach. April 2003 The 18 Interuniversity Conference at Bar-Ilan University (Israel): Jewish and Anti-Jewish Themes in Yona Wallachs Poetry. Dec. 2002 AJS Annual Conference (LA, CA): Teresa vs. Shunra: Female Models in the Poetry of Dalia Ravikovich and Yona Wallach. July 2002 NAPH Annual Conference (Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel): Love, Sex, and Violence in Hebrew Poetry of the Sixties and Seventies. June 2002 Hebrew University Conference on Hebrew Language (Hebrew University Jerusalem): A Semantic Approach to the Instruction of Hebrew Common Prepositions. Dec. 2001 AJS Annual (Washington, DC): A Dove But Not an Innocent One: Yona Wallach and the Poetry of Love. Dec. 2000 AJS Annual Conference (Boston, MA): Writing the Soul: Yona Wallach and Hebrew Poetry of the 1970s. July 2000 Hebrew University Annual Workshop on Teaching Hebrew in the University (HU, Jerusalem): Contemporary Literary Texts in the Hebrew Language classroom: Goals, Strategies, and Evaluation. May 2000 NAPH Annual Conference (Chicago, IL): Theory and Practice in Teaching the Hebrew Prepositions. Awards: May 2008 E. Billie Ivry Faculty Incentive Research Award May 2007 Dean Karen Bacon Award to a Senior Faculty member (in recognition of your superior leadership and contributions to the Hebrew Program and to the students of Stern College). May 2006 E. Billie Ivry Faculty Incentive Research Award May 2003 E. Billie Ivry Faculty Incentive Research Award May 2002 E. Billie Ivry Faculty Incentive Research Award May 2000 E. Billie Ivry Faculty Incentive Research Award Professional Associations: National Association of Professors of Hebrew: Advisory Council member and a member of the Annual Conference Committee Association of Jewish Studies Association of Israel Studies     PAGE  PAGE 4 (+/NR~ _ n v w x J S : C ǹչ|rkaWWh0]h]5\h ]~h]5\ h]5\h~Gh]5\h]5Z\_H o(hN:h]Z_H h]CJaJ h>_H  h?_H hN:h?_H h?h?5\h?h?5CJ\aJh?h~2h]5\h?h]5CJ\aJh]helah]5CJ \aJ h]5CJ \aJ "*+MN}~w x I J 9 : gd?gd]$a$gd]''      #0KS`k}vlvlvlh^h)th)t6]h%qzhFYh]6] h]6]h Z_H o("hoIWh 56Z\]_H o(h h)t5\hFYh]5\helah]CJaJhoIWCJaJh?CJaJh:`h]6]h` h5\ h]5\hkh]6]hOh]h0]h]5\# `$%&#gdcyWgdKP dh@&gddgddjgd)tgd`gd]gdOkl"#$&#$EFGHUVWw}~ȷ|uqmuibibibibib hez9hKPhKPhoYh'E h GhcyWhdhd_H  hcyW_H  hd_H hf-hCj6]_H  h:\_H  hCj_H  hCj5\ hcyW5\hcoh]5\ hdj5\ hM5\hcohco5\ h5\ h]5\h]h)th)th)t6] h)t6]%  !"#56Bprstͼ͍ͫͫ~wokdkYojhs)U h&hs)hs)jhs)U h&h&h=Ph& hcyW6] hcyW5\,h zhw0J56CJOJQJ\]aJ hw0J5CJOJQJ\aJ hT.0J5CJOJQJ\aJ&hwhw0J5CJOJQJ\aJhwhoYZ_H o(h zhcyW6]hKPhcyW "#hi#$yABgdI<gd]gd&gdcyWt2456fghi$7ghiw8:sz{ҼҸҼҮҤҒҒ҈҈~w҈w h]6]hh]6]h0zh]6] hFYh]h2;h]6H*]h2;h]6]hqJh]6]hwhI<jIhs)U hs)hs)h]hs)hs)6]hs) h#:hs)h&jhs)Uh/dhs)0J-BK Vegh'GTUVǚnjLjǀvrnjnnfh h`h: hWh: hL5\hLh x y !!!!" 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