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Summer 2006 EDUCATION 2000 Ph.D. in Statistics and Operations Research, Stern School of Business, New York University. Dissertation Chairman: Manfred Padberg. Dissertation Committee: Clifford Hurvich, Michael Pinedo, Sridhar Seshadri, and Gary Simon. Master of Philosophy, Stern School of Business, New York University. 1995-1997 Master of Science, Statistics and Operations Research, Stern School of Business, New York University. Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics , College of Arts and Science, New York University. RESEARCH Areas of Interest: Supply Chain Management, Revenue Management, Linear Programming, Optimization, Stochastic Modeling, Forecasting, Computational Statistics, Robust Regression, and Outlier Detection. PUBLISHED ARTICLES Kovtun, Vladimir, Avi Giloni, and Clifford Hurvich, Assessing the Value of Demand Sharing in Supply Chains, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 61, No. 7, pp. 515-531, 2014. Giloni, Avi, Clifford Hurvich, and Sridhar Seshadri, Forecasting and Information Sharing in Supply Chains Under ARMA Demand, IIE Transactions, Vol. 46, pp. 35-54, 2014. Giloni, Avi, Yasar Levent Kocaga, and Phil Troy, State dependent pricing policies: Differentiating customers through valuations and waiting costs, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol. 12, pp. 139-161, 2013. Giloni, Avi, Sridhar Seshadri, and Christopher Tucci, Neo-Rawlsian Fringes: A New Approach to Market Segmentation and New Product Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 491 507, 2008. Giloni, Avi, Bhaskar Sengupta, and Jeffrey Simonoff, A Mathematical Programming Approach for Improving the Robustness of LAD Regression, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 261-271, 2006. Giloni, Avi, Jeffrey Simonoff, and Bhaskar Sengupta, Robust Weighted LAD Regression,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 3124 3140, 2006. Giloni, Avi, Sridhar Seshadri, and Jeffrey Simonoff, Robust Analysis of Variance: Process Design and Quality Improvement, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 306-319, 2006. Gaur, Vishal, Avi Giloni, and Sridhar Seshadri, Information Sharing in a Supply Chain Under ARMA Demand, Management Science, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 961-969, 2005. Giloni, Avi and Jeffrey Simonoff, The Conditional Breakdown Properties of Least Absolute Value Local Polynomial Estimators, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1530, 2005. Giloni, Avi and Manfred Padberg, The Finite Sample Breakdown Point of L1-Regression, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 14, pp. 1028 1042, 2004. Giloni, Avi, Sridhar Seshadri, and P. V. Kamesam, Service System Design for the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry, Production and Operations Management, 12, pp. 62-78, 2003. Giloni, Avi and Manfred Padberg, Least Trimmed Squares Regression, Least Median Squares Regression, and Mathematical Programming, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 35, pp. 1043-1060, 2002. Giloni, Avi and Manfred Padberg, Alternative Methods of Linear Regression, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 35, pp. 361-374, 2002. Giloni, Avi and Sridhar Seshadri, Optimal Configuration of General Job Shops, Queueing Systems Theory and Applications, 39, pp. 137-155, 2001. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS Giloni, Avi, Sridhar Seshadri, and Pasumarti V. Kamesam, Channel Design for Services: An Application to the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry, POMS Chronicle, Vol 11 (2), pp. 10-11, 2004. Giloni, Avi and Sridhar Seshadri, Design of Job Shop Configurations, MSOM Conference Proceedings, June 2000. WORK IN PROGRESS Giloni, Avi, Clifford Hurvich, and Vladimir Kovtun Studying The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains Under ARMA Demand. Giloni, Avi, Vladimir Kovtun, and Clifford Hurvich, Information Sharing When Orders are Aggregates of Stationary Processes. Kovtun, Vladimir, Avi Giloni, and Clifford Hurvich, The Impact of Seasonality on the Value of Information Sharing in Supply Chains. Giloni, Avi and Clifford Hurvich, The Value of Information Sharing Under Suboptimal Orders. TALKS GIVEN AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS AND UNIVERSITIES Forecasting and Information Sharing in Supply Chains: Two Studies - Exponential Smoothing and the Golden Model, NYU-Stern Informal Operations Management Seminar, December 9, 2013, (Invited). The Impact of Seasonality on the Value of Information Sharing in Supply Chains, EURO-INFORMS 2013, July 1, 2013, (Invited and Chair). The Impact of Seasonality on the Value of Information Sharing in Supply Chains, CORS 2013, May 27, 2013. Assessing the Difference Between Shock Sharing and Demand Sharing in Supply Chains, INFORMS 2012, October 15, 2012 (Session Chair). Assessing the Difference Between Shock Sharing and Demand Sharing in Supply Chains, IWAP 2012, June 12, 2012. Information Sharing in Supply Chains Under ARMA Demand, MSOM 2011 Conference, (Poster Session). Forecasting and Information Sharing in Supply Chains Under ARMA Demand, MSOM 2010 Conference, June 28, 2010. Forecasting and Information Sharing in Supply Chains Under ARMA Demand, NYU-Stern Informal Operations Management Seminar, February 22, 2010 (Invited). The Value of Information Sharing in a Multi-Stage Supply Chain under ARMA Demand, POMS 2009 Conference, May 1, 2009. Information Sharing in a Multi-Stage Supply Chain Under ARMA Demand, Second Stern-Wharton Statistics Conference, May 2, 2008 (Invited Talk). The Value of Information Sharing in a Multi-Stage Supply Chain Under ARMA Demand, POMS 2008, May 9, 2008. Revenue Management for Facilities Where Customers Wait for Service, POMS 2007, May 4, 2007 (Invited Talk) (Session Chair) Revenue Management for Facilities Where Customers Wait for Service, Revenue Management, June 29, 2007. The Effect of Capital Budgeting on a Multi-Product Stocking Problem, INFORMS 2006, November 6, 2006 (Invited Talk). Robust Analysis of Variance: Process Design and Quality Improvement, JSM 2006, August 6, 2006. An Optimal Control Policy For Facilities Where Customers Wait For Service, INFORMS INTERNATIONAL 2006, June 26, 2006. Information Sharing in a Supply Chain under ARMA Demand, IWAP 2006, May 16, 2006 (Invited Talk). Policy Iteration Formulations For Optimizing Service Facilities Modeled as M/M/s Queues, INFORMS San Francisco, November 13, 2005. Solving the Weighted Least Absolute Deviations Regression Problem via Mathematical Programming, JSM 2005, August 11, 2005. Information Sharing in a Supply Chain under ARMA Demand, IFORS Triennial Conference, July 12, 2005. Neo-Rawlsian Fringes: A New Approach to Market Segmentation and New Product Development, NBEA 2004, Sy Syms School of Business, 17Թ, September 27, 2004. Robust Weighted LAD Regression, JSM 2004, August 4, 2004. Forecasting in Supply Chains with Noisy Demand, CORS-INFORMS, Banff, Alberta, May 18, 2004 (Invited Talk). Deciphering Demand Signals and the Value of Information Sharing in a Supply Chain, Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, March 26, 2004 (Invited Talk). L1 Regression: Robustness, Estimation, and Applications, Stern School of Business, New York University, January 30, 2004 (Invited Talk). Robust Demand Estimation in Supply Chains, INFORMS Atlanta, October 21, 2003. The Conditional Breakdown Properties of L1 Based Local Polynomial Estimators, JSM 2003, August 3, 2003. Demand Forecasting Via Robust L1 Based Techniques, MSOM 2003, June 16, 2003. Neo-Rawlsian fringes: A new approach to market segmentation and new product development, POMS 2003, April 7, 2003. The Conditional Breakdown Properties of Robust Local Polynomial Estimators, JSM 2002, August 13, 2002. Deciphering Demand Signatures, MSOM Conference, June 17, 2002. Calculating the Finite Sample Breakdown Point of L1-Regression, Integer Programming Conference in honor of Egon Balas, June 4, 2002. Deciphering Demand Signatures in Supply chains, INFORMS Miami, November 6, 2001 (MSOM sponsored session). Fringe Benefits: Neo-Rawlsian Strategies for New Entrants, INFORMS International Hawaii, June 19, 2001 (MSOM sponsored session). Distribution Channels for Insurance, INFORMS San Antonio, November 7, 2000 (MSOM sponsored session). Design of Job Shop Configurations, MSOM Conference, June 26, 2000. Distribution Channels for Insurance, INFORMS Cincinnati, May 4, 1999 (MSOM sponsored session). Channels for Insurance, Center for Research in Information Intensive Organizations Seminar, Stern School of Business, New York University, April 15, 1998. JOURNAL REFEREEING Referee for Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, IIE Transactions, Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters, POM, and American Statistician. ACADEMIC HONORS AND FELLOWSHIPS 2000 Elected to Beta Gamma Sigma Deans Fellowship and Deming Fellowship, Stern School of Business. School Fellowship, Stern School of Business. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Received Founders Day Award for outstanding scholarship. Member of National Mathematics Honor Society (Pi Mu Epsilon). Graduated Cum Laude with 3.7 Undergraduate Grade Point Average. Member of Deans Leadership Circle and Deans List appointee throughout undergraduate career. Recipient of Deans Leadership Scholarship.     Avi H. Giloni Page  PAGE 4 %1?A   p  S T w  * + 5 O l ^bu57}ļ鰶馜ܖ h.bCJh"h"6CJ h"CJh|_ h7/CJ hH3CJhDhv@hLh.bh_( hLCJ hv@CJ hDCJ h CJH* h CJ h >*CJh h CJ;3c  o p    S T * + $1$^`gdD$1$gdv@$1$gd.b$a$gdv@+  7 N O uvw6 7$8$H$gd.b & F & F `^``$1$67lm^_kl 7$8$H$gd"7$8$H$ 7$8$H$gdL 7$8$H$gd.b}uxNQcy/G(_bt;v庯{s{j{f{j{h h 6CJ]h CJaJ h CJhLhL6CJ]aJhLhLCJaJh ch c6CJaJhy>6CJaJh ch cCJaJh cCJaJhDhD6CJaJhDhDCJaJh.bh.b6CJaJhDCJaJh.bCJaJhjh.bCJaJ(vwl-PiFnR` 46uwxy/ȼ~xr hCJ hH3CJhh5CJaJhhCJaJhCJaJhH3CJaJ hjCJhH3hv@>*CJ h >*CJh"h"6CJ]h"h"CJ h"CJ h cCJ h CJ] h 6CJh 6CJ] h CJ hDCJ)xyagdwgdG gdjgd"/}(abĴąuh`U`ULDh.bCJaJhw>*CJaJhwhwCJaJhwCJaJhG CJOJQJ\aJhG hG CJOJQJ\aJhG hG CJOJQJaJh CJaJh2[h CJaJh CJOJQJ\aJh h CJOJQJ\aJh h CJOJQJaJ h CJhh hH3CJ hCJhCJaJhwhCJaJS%- . 6!7!!! 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