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YU Center for Israel Studies Co-Hosts 25th Torah Umadda Conference

Sessions Will Delve into Creative Tension Between Torah and Science On Thursday, March 22, the , Bar-Ilan University (BIU) and the Lev Academic Center will host the 25th Torah Umadda Conference on the BIU campus in Ramat Gan, Israel. The conference brings together academics and Torah scholars to discuss interactions between academic research and rabbinic learning and concerns. This joint project brings together three institutions that embody Torah Umadda, an intellectual synthesis that is synonymous with YU. The conference will focus on subjects in fields that range from mathematics to the health sciences to the humanities and social sciences, among others. Sessions will include The Tension in the Modern World, "The Honor of Shabbat and the Pleasure of Shabbat, Do People Have Free Will?, Kashrut and Genetic Engineering, Network Theory and Halachic Ruling Mechanisms, The Emotional Significance of the Higgs Boson Discovery and Ethical Questions in Autonomous Programming. Altogether, two dozen sessions and presentations will be offered. Dr. Steven Fine, Dean Pinkhos Churgin Professor of Jewish History and director of the YU Center for Israel Studies, joined the academic committee this year upon the retirement of Dr. Carl Feit, the Dr. Joseph and Rachel Ades Chair in Health Sciences. The Torah Umadda Conference has long been a place to imagine the breadth of our synthesis between Torah and cutting-edge academic scholarship, said Fine. It has been an occasion to imagine and incubate new approaches. I am thrilled to celebrate this 25th year with our Israeli partners. Professor Ely Merzbach of BIU, chair of the conference, said, We are excited to organize this conference with our partners because it shows the international scope of Torah Umadda. The language of the conference is Hebrew. To register, visit 


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