On April 1st, 2024 Gottesman Library unveiled a new facility for students. The Digital Media Studio, located on the southeast corner of the 4th floor (behind the elevators) of the Mendel Gottesman Library Building, is a new space for learning and development. The new space includes a Dremel 3D ...
Straus Scholars Yaakov Willner (YC 25) and Gavriel Buchwald (YC 26), respectively president and vice president of YUs Alexander Hamilton Society chapter, organized an event featuring national security expert Dr. Michael Doran.
On Sunday March 31, the Jewish Center held a book launch for The Promise of Liberty, a newly released Haggadah by Straus Center Deputy Director Rabbi Dr. Stuart Halpern and Jacob Kupietzky.
In the academic year 2023-2024, the Straus Center has launched Two Texts, Three Questions, a new program led by rabbinic intern Yehuda Goldberg designed to encourage Straus Scholars to pursue their own intellectual interests and explore new connections between Torah and Western thought.
The first two graduating classes of the Katz Schools Occupational Therapy Doctorate have achieved a 100% pass rate in the national certifying exam, according to the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy.
A new book by Timothy P. Carney, "Family Unfriendly," relied on research assistance by Straus Scholar Jacob (Yakov) Sundel (YC 24), who spent the summer of 2022 at the American Enterprise Institute working as a research intern.
In February and March 2024, the Straus Center has continued to make a significant impact across the media landscape, with multiple new publications, podcasts, and other contributions.
Loretta Chingandu joined a panel discussion on Financing Female-led Innovation and Entrepreneurship," hosted by the Justina Mutale Foundation for the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
In the academic year 2023-2024, the Straus Center has been convening an extracurricular seminar series, Writing as a Public Intellectual: An Advanced Mentorship Program" led by Senior Scholar Dr. Tevi Troy.