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Mourning Together

Center for the Jewish Future Offers Array of Inspirational Shiurim and Programming for Tisha BAv and Three Weeks As the Jewish calendar passes through the summer months, the period colloquially known as The Three Weeks is being observed through various stages of mourning over the destruction of the two Temples and other Jewish tragedies. The period began with Shiva Asar BTammuz, the Fast of the 17th Day of Tammuz, and the laws of mourning will intensify during the Nine Days beginning with Rosh Chodesh Av on Friday, July 13. The Three Weeks will culminate with the 24-hour-plus fast of Tisha BAv on Saturday night, July 21, through Sunday, July 22. 17勛圖s  (CJF) offers many resources to prepare for these weeks of mourning. On YUTorah.org, hundreds of  on topics related to mourning for the Temple from renowned educators around the world are available for those seeking to learn more during this time. Those looking for inspiration can  to a daily email with a short video message during the Three Weeks from 17勛圖s Torah Mitzion Kollel in Chicago. And the downloadable Benjamin and Rose Berger  features more than 30 pages of divrei Torah on Tisha bAv-related topics from YU faculty, staff and students. On the day of Tisha bAv itself, Jews from around the world can join YU for a special webcast featuring Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, University Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought and senior scholar at the CJF, and Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb, co-founder of Ganei Haela and rebbe at Yeshivat Har Etzion, for an all-day analysis of the kinot [lamentations] said on Tisha bAv and a deeper look into the nature of the day. Rabbi Schacters remarks will focus on The Power of Jewish Memory and Jewish Experience: Reflections on Tisha Bav 2018, to be followed by a recitation and discussion of kinot. The webcast can be viewed at , or members of the community are welcome to join Rabbi Schacter for the live program in Teaneck, New Jersey, at Congregation Keter Torah at 600 Roemer Avenue, or Rabbi Gottlieb on YUs Israel campus at 40 Duvdevani, Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem. The program in Teaneck is sponsored in appreciation of Rabbi Schacter and 17勛圖 and in commemoration of the 40th Yahrzeit for Helen Friedman Kuflik, Hodel Ruchama bat Avraham Shlomo vEtta Malka, by Dr. Alan and Shuli Rockoff of Boston. The Israel program is sponsored by Rebecca and Saul Lubetski and Noa and Jay Zwiebel.  


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