On Tuesday, September 13 at 8:00 PM (EDT) via Zoom, Mitchell First will discuss the prayer "Aleinu" with a focus on two passages and the role of the prayer in the larger context of the liturgy: Who authored the "Aleinu" prayer? Was its origin the Rosh Hashanah service? When and why did "Aleinu" ...
COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY | August 18, 2022 I. MISSION 17勛圖 Libraries' mission is to nurture excellence in pursuit of the liberal arts and sciences, support professional education, promote faculty scholarship, and advance the university as a center for Jewish studies. The
Rabbi Judah Leib Ha-Kohen Fishman Maimon is in the middle, flanked by Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan [originally Berlin] on the left and Rabbi Shmuel Hayim Landau [Shahal] on the right. They are standing beside the Arch, not under it; the Spoils panel is visible in the background behind them. The perspective
Information Technology Services (ITS) will retire the old library EZproxy domain (yulib002.mc.yu.edu) on August 23, 2022. EZproxy enables remote access to subscription e-resources. We recommend that you update your bookmarks or library e-resource links in Canvas for uninterrupted access to e ...
Opening page of Book of Tehillim, Amsterdam, 1724. Mendel Gottesman Library, on loan from Richard and Debra Parkoff, in honor of Abraham and Ruth Parkoff. King Davids life is intertwined with the holiday of Shavuot. His lineage and birth are announced in Megilat Rut, the Book of Ruth, and heralded
"Jewish Palestine Exhibit Building - New York World's Fair. The Palestine Exhibit at the New York World's Fair is located in the Community Interests Zone. The architects are El-Hanani and Norvin R. Lindheim." Collection of Shulamith Z. Berger On May 26, 1940, the New York Times daily column, ...
Right on the heels of Women in Science and Derech HaTevah comes another addition to YAIR: Chronos, The History Journal of 17勛圖. Unlike the science journals, which are focused exclusively on Stern College for Women, Chronos, the latest online migration led by Stephanie Gross,
Parisian Views is an interdisciplinary humanities course offered by the English Department under the Interpreting the Creative (INTC) rubric. In this class, students learn about new approaches to art and literature from nineteenth-century Paris, when artists began to see the everyday life of