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Homegrown Haggadot for the YU Community and Beyond

For Passover 2022, 17勛圖 is proud to announce the publications of Haggadot written by YU faculty, students and alumni. Below is a short summary of each:

The Beren Campus Haggadah 5782 - Torah Activities Council (TAC),

This is 71 pages of beautiful artwork and inspirational and insightful divrei Torah from students about many aspects of Passover and the seder.

2022 Azrieli Haggadah Companion: On This Night We Are All Teachers - Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration

Authored by Azrieli faculty, students and alumni, and with the generous support of David and Sharon Rauch, this years Azrieli Hagaddah is filled with teachable moments, discussion prompts and activities for preschool, elementary, tween/teen and adult learners, allowing for rich seder table engagement. The volume is available electronically at

Passover, Redemption and Religious Freedom Quotes and Questions for Your Seder Table -

Passover, Redemption and Religious Freedom offers quotes and questions for your seder table.

- Tzachi Rosman 03YC

In 2015, when my son was seven years old, I began building LEGO scenes based on the Haggadah. He was very into LEGO at the time and I wanted to make the seder engaging and exciting for him and my other children. We were in the mall and I bought a bunch of random LEGO pieces with the plan of working with my kids (then aged 7, 5 and 3) to build a kriyat yam suf scene with their help and input. While the collaboration only lasted a short while, I finished the scene and displayed it at my seder. The kids enjoyed moving the minifigures around and shared their thoughts about the different elements depicted. This equaled a success in my book. (Read an interview with the author.)


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