Oct 31, 2019 By: yunews
Rabbi Dr. Yakov Nagen 89YC, 89BR, 94R, is a Rabbi at the Otniel Yeshiva in Israel and a leading figure in encounters between Judaism and Eastern religions.
In two lectures sponsored by the , , the and The Confucius Institute at SUNY, Dr. Nagen expanded upon the idea that at its core, Judaism is a method of detecting truth through honest (rather than self-aggrandizing) disputation that, when done with sincerity and humility, integrates principles of doing (defined as an effort to fix things because the world is constantly under construction) and being (which he sees as a focus on the present moment) into a balanced and active life.
In Introduction to Jewish Thought from Beijing and Shanghai, delivered on Oct. 24, 2019, he spoke about his familys connection to the Jews who went to Shanghai for refuge. This family history has made him sensitive to the ways in which the traditions of Israel and China complement each other, especially in their respect for a truth derived from an engagement with ancient wisdom.
In To Do and To Be: Judaism's Integration of East and West, on Oct. 28, 2019, he continued this train of thought by referring to the two stories of creation in the Bible, what Rabbi Dr. Joseph Soloveitchik referred to as Adam I and Adam II in The Lonely Man of Faith. The world of Adam I, said Dr. Nagen, is a story about conquering and about separating and dividing time. However, the world of Adam II is timeless, linked to the imagery of water and cyclical life. For Dr. Nagen, the two stories come together in the word shalom, with its knitting together into a dynamic whole the opposites of fire and water.
Much of the material in these lectures can be found in his book, Be, Become, Bless Jewish Spirituality between East and West, where he converses with both Eastern spirituality and Western thinking in an attempt to create a synthesis that unifies being and doing in service to a search for truth.