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Daniel Pollack Publishes Two Articles

Daniel PollackDaniel Pollack, professor at , has published two articles. How To Select an Expert in a Custody Case (with Toby Kleinman) for the (also uploaded to ): The legal obligation of an expert witness is to provide independent advice to the court by presenting impartial, unbiased opinions about matters within their field of expertise. This duty is owed singularly to the court and supersedes any duty to the attorney or litigants. Your job, as the attorney, is to find the right expert for each case. One size does not fit all. The Credibility of Child Protective Services Rests on the Integrity of the Department Director in (the publication of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children): What the director does reflects the culture of the department. When winks and nods suggest more regard for the departments image than the children it is supposed to protect, lawsuits can morph into scandal. And thats when directors rightfully lose their jobs.


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