Dr. Gabriel Cwilich, professor of physics and former division coordinator of natural and mathematical sciences, is having a remarkable year of travel during 2018-2019. Here is a list of talks, conferences and project in which he is involved.
September 2018
Contributed talk at the Complex Systems Society Annual meeting Thessaloniki, Greece: Research done in conjunction with a former YU student Yosef Kornbluth, who is now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
October 2018
Two invited talks at Queen’s University in Belfast, UK: One on his research on complex networks, the other on his research into theater and science
January 2019
Gave talks at the Netsci-X conference on Complex Networks in Santiago, Chile, on research done in conjunction with Yosef Kornblutt as well at the Santiago Polo Society weekly Symposium on Science and Theater
March 2019
A talk at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, in Boston, Massachusetts, on research done in conjunction with Yosef Kornblutt and Dr. Sergey Buldyrev, professor of physics at YU.
April 2019
Invited talk at the DINAMO Conference on Nano and Mesoscopic Optics, in San Cristobal, Ecuador, on research done in conjunction with YU student Yonah Shmalo
May 2019
Invited visit to the University of San Luis and Institute of Applied Physics of San Luis (Argentina); two short intensive graduate courses on networks, one introductory, and the other on advanced mathematical techniques; invited talk on networks based on research done in conjunction with Yosef Kornblutt
June-July 2019
Invited visit to the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: one short intensive graduate courses on advanced mathematical techniques on networks and one invited talk on networks based on research done in conjunction with Yosef Kornblutt
Talk at STATPHYS 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and an invited talk at the University of Mar del Plata, Argentina, on his joint research with Dr. Buldyrev on resilience of network grids
August 2019
Invited talk at the University of Cordoba, and the Theoretical Physics Institute Enrique Gaviola, on my work on network theory and research done in conjunction with former student Daniel Goldsmith (now in Chainalysis Research Inc ) and current student Yonah Shmalo