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Santos Organizes Physics Program

Dr. Lea Ferreira dos SantosDr. Lea Santos, professor of physics and department chair at , is one of the organizers of the program taking place at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York, from August 26 to October 18, 2019. This program, said Dr. Santos, will gather researchers on the forefront of nonequilibrium many-body quantum physics to discuss new advances and promising new directions. Despite being ubiquitous, quantum systems far from equilibrium are much less understood than systems at equilibrium. By creating a stimulating environment for the exchange of information between physicists of several different backgrounds, from condensed matter physics and high-energy physics to quantum information science, we intend to further advance this broad field of study. The program will address questions of the timescales of many-body quantum systems, ergodic behavior for quantum systems evolving in time and the applicability of random matrix theory to many-body systems. Fellow organizers include Dr. Boris Altshuler from Columbia University, Dr. Anatoly Dymarsky from the University of Kentucky and Dr. Jacobus Verbaarschot from Stony Brook University. In addition to this program, they will run a one-week workshop called Applications Of Random Matrix Theory To Many-Body Physics, to be held between September 16-20, 2019, which will focus on universal behavior of many-body systems.  


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