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Poczter Promotes the Virtues of Organizational Design

Dr. Sharon PoczterDr. Sharon Poczter, chair of the strategy and entrepreneurship department at , in Inc. titled This Fundamental Problem Can Kill Your StartupHere's How to Avoid It. Dr. Poczter noted that presented with the everyday existential challenges of a startupfrom funding to competitionfounders often overlook one extremely important set of choices for their long-term strategy: organizational design. Three initial questions can help business owners get a handle on what design their organizations need: 1) Who does what?; 2) How will we coordinate the work?; and 3) Who will report to whom? And these questions need to be asked and answered at the very start-up of the start-up because organizational structure is much more difficult to change retroactively. She suggested two simple ways to incorporate efficient market elements into a companys design. First, flexibility in roles and titles is necessary, and, second, employees should be organized into customer, product, or market-focused projects rather than strictly functional groups (such as marketing, finance, and operations), and given the freedom to move between projects.


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