Faculty Directory
Herschel Knapp, PhD, MSSW


Clinical Associate Professor

(323) 345-9705

Teaching remotely; office hours available via phone or Zoom upon request (email: herschel.knapp@yu.edu).

Ph.D., Social Welfare, University of California Los Angeles, 2001
M.S.S.W., Master of Science in Social Work, University of Texas at Austin, 1995
B.A., Psychology, California State University, Northridge, 1988

I'm a proud native of Los Angeles, California and pleased to be part of a profession that's dedicated to utilizing science to enhance the quality of life and length of life for our populations.  My passion is teaching, which enables me to contribute to preparing the next generation of social scientists to carry this essential work forward.  In addition to my professional interests, I enjoy baking, biking, improv acting, voice-over, writing, great storytelling, dancing, cruise travel, and bad movies.

My clinical experience has primarily focused on providing psychosocial services to hospitalized patients, specializing in ER, ICU, CCU, Oncology, and Code Blue Team.  My research is predominately medically based including implementations that successfully increase HIV diagnostic testing in hospitals, clinics, and homeless settings, innovative telehealth consultations, and improving nursing care via evidence-based practice.  My teaching specialties include scientific research methodology, statistics, clinical communication skills, and differential diagnosis (DSM). I serve as a charter member of the D.S.W. Committee, and as the Chair of the Student Appeals Committee.


  1. Knapp, H. (2025).  Introductory Statistics Using R:  An Easy Approach.  Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications.
  2. Knapp, H. (2018).  Intermediate Statistics Using SPSS.  Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications.
  3. Knapp, H. (2017).  Introductory Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition.  Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications.
  4. Knapp, H. (2017).  Practical Statistics for Nursing Using SPSS.  Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications.
  5. Knapp, H. (2014).  Therapeutic Communication:  Developing Professional Skills, Second Edition.  Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications.
  6. Knapp, H. (2013).  Introductory Statistics Using SPSS.  Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications.
  7. Knapp, H. (2010).  Introduction to Social Worker Practice:  A Practical Workbook. Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications.
  8. Knapp, H. (2007).  Therapeutic Communication:  Developing Professional Skills. Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications. (9 CEUs).  (2009) Polish translation:  Komunikacja w Terapii [Communication in Therapy].



  1. Williams, M., Kelly, L., Knapp, H. (2022).  Emergency Department Utilization by Navigated Oncology Patients Compared with Non-Navigated Oncology Patients, Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship.  February 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2.
  2. Bray, R., Knapp, H. (2021).  Identifying Predictors of Airway Complications During Conscious Sedation.  Gastroenterology Nursing.  44(5) (Sep/Oct), p. 310 319.
  3. Miller, C. R., Patmon, F. L., Knapp, H. (2021).  Music to Reduce Stress in Hospitalized Patients.  Nursing.  August 2021, Vol 51, No. 8, p. 62-66.
  4. Tolentino, D. A. and Knapp, H. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Meducation簧, a SMART Application, to Medication Adherence: The Need to Evaluate EHR Apps Post-Implementation. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. Vol. 24 (3).
  5. Gee, P. M., Gibbs, H. A., Sieczka, M. J., Knapp, H. (2021).  Human Trafficking Readiness for Clinicians: Content Validation of a Survivor Co-Led Education Program. Urban Studies and Public Administration.  Vol. 4, No. 3.
  6. Wilton, J., Chiu, H., Codianne, N., Knapp, H., Escolar, V.R., Burns, S. (2020).  Continuous Quadratus Lumborum Block as Postoperative Strategy for Pain Control in Spinal Fusion Surgery, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 64(10), p. 869 - 873.
  7. Scariati, P., Knapp, H., Gray, S. (2019).  A Comparison of One- and Four-Open-Chart Access: No Change in Computerized Provider Order Entry Error Rate.  Applied Clinical Informatics.  Oct; 10(5): 804-809.
  8. Gee, P.M., Knapp, H., Miller, K.P., Sieczka, M.J., Welton, J., Cavallero, T., Truong, R., Chiu, C., Horsthius, O., Hallisy, M., Patmon, F.L. (2017).  Validity and Reliability of an Alcohol Withdrawal Clinical Assessment Scale for Use with Acutely Ill Patients:  An Abbreviated Version of the CIWA-Ar.  International Journal of Research in Nursing.  Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 17 - 22.
  9. Guzman-Clark, J., Harrellc, K., Leff, A., Henriques, D., Ines, E., Marian Rofail, M., Knapp, H., Castle, S.  Implementation of an ECHO based program to provide geriatric specialty care consultation / education to remote primary care teams.  Federal Practitioner, 2016 April; 33(4): 40-45.
  10. Shipherd, J.C., Kauth, M.R., Firek, A.F., Garcia, R., Mejia, S., Laski, S.J., Walden, B., Perez-Padilla, S., Lindsay, J.A., Brown, G., Roybal, L., Keo-Meier, C., Knapp, H., Johnson, L., Reese, R.L., & Byne, W. (2016). Interdisciplinary transgender veteran care: Development of a Core Curriculum for VHA Providers. Transgender Health, 1(1), pp. 54-62.
  11. Kauth, M.R., Shipherd, J.C., Lindsay, J.A., Kirsh, S., Knapp, H., Matza, L.  Teleconsultation and Training of VA Providers on Transgender Care: Implementation of a Multisite Hub System.  Telemedicine and e-Health, Dec. 2015, pp. 1012 1018.
  12. Cordasco, K.M., Zuchowski, J., Hamilton, A.B., Kirsh, S., Veet, L., Saavedra, J.O., Altman, L., Knapp, H., Canning, M., Washington, D.L.  Early Lessons Learned in Implementing a Womens Health Educational and Virtual Consultation Program in VA.  Medical Care, vol. 53, no. 4, sup. 1, pp. S88 S92.
  13. Anaya, H.D., Butler, J.N. Solomon, Golden, J.F., Knapp, H., Hoang, T., Rodriguez-Barradas, M., Kan, V., Hare, K., Kertz, B., Bokhour, B.  A Quantitative Evaluation of a Implementation of Nurse-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing at High-Prevalence Primary Care Sites Within the US Veterans Affairs Health Care System. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, vol 40, no. 4, pp. 341 345.
  14. Bokhour B.G., Saifu H., Goetz M.B., Fix G.M., Fix, G.M., Burgess J, Fletcher M, Knapp H., Asch S.M.  The role of evidence and context for implementing a multimodal intervention to increase HIV testing.  Implementation Science, DOI 10.1186/s13012-015-0214-4.
  15. Anaya, H.D., Butler, J.N.; Knapp, H., Chan, K., Conners, E.E., Rumanes, S.F., Esquivel M., Crough, B.E. (2015).  Implementing an HIV Rapid Testing-Linkage to Care Project Among Homeless Individuals in Los Angeles County:  A Collaborative Effort between Federal, County and City Government.  American Journal of Public Health, vol. 105, no. 1, pp. 85 - 90.
  16. Knapp, H., Pangarkar, S. (2015).  Utilizing the ECHO Model in the Veterans Health Affairs System:  Guidelines for Setup, Operations, and Preliminary Findings.  Future Internet 7, pp. 184 195.
  17. Knapp, H., Chan, K.  HIV Rapid Testing in a VA Primary Care Department Setting: Programmatic Cost Analysis at Five Years (2015).  Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research 6(5): 451.
  18. Knapp, H., Chan K. (2015) HIV Rapid Testing in a VA Primary Care Department Setting: Cost Analysis at Five Years.  Clinical Research in HIV/AIDS 2(1): 1014.
  19. Solomon, J.L., Butler, J.B., Bokhour, B.G., Golden, J.F., Hare, K.A., Kertz, B.L., Kan, V.L., Rodriguez-Barradas, M.C., Knapp, H., Anaya, H.D. (2014).  Sustaining Nurse-Rapid HIV Testing in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:  Lessons Learned from a Comparative Evaluation. Journal for Healthcare Quality, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 26 - 31. 
  20. Knapp, H., Hagedorn, H., Anaya, H.D. (2014).  HIV Rapid Testing in a Veterans Affairs Hospital ED setting: A 5-Year Sustainability Evaluation.  American Journal of Emergency Medicine 32, pp. 878 883.
  21. Knapp, H., Hagedorn, H., Anaya, H.D.  (2014).  A Five Year Self-Sustainability Analysis of Nurse-Administered HIV Rapid Testing in VA Primary Care.  International Journal of STD & AIDS, vol. 25, no.12, pp. 837 843.
  22. Knapp, H., Chan, K.  HIV Rapid Testing in a VA Emergency Department Setting:  Cost Analysis at Five Years (2015).  Value in Health, July / August, vol. 18, no. 4 (highlighted article).
  23. Goetz, M.B. Hoang, T., Knapp, H., Burgess, J., Fletcher, M., Gifford, A.L., Asch, S.M. (2013). Central Implementation Strategies Outperform Local Ones in Improving HIV Testing in Veterans Healthcare Administration Facilities.  Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 28, no. 10., pp. 1311 - 1317.
  24. Knapp, H., Anaya, H.D.  Implementation Science in the Real World:  A Case Study Using HIV Rapid Testing (2013).  International Journal of STD & AIDS, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 5 - 11.
  25. Knapp, H., (2014).  Facilitating HIV Testing:  Addressing Patients Emotional Issues.  Austin Journal of HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 1, no. 1.
  26. Anaya, H.D., Butler, J.N., Solomon, J.L., Knapp, H., Hoang, T., Kan, V., Rodriguez-Barradas, M.C., Hare, K.A., Kertz, B., Bokhour, B (2013).  Implementation of Nurse-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing at High-Prevalence Primary Care Sites Within the US Veterans Affairs Health Care System.  Sexually Transmitted Diseases, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 341 - 345.
  27. Goetz, M.B., Hoang, T., Knapp, H., Burgess, J., Fletcher, M.D., Gifford, A.L., Asch, S.M. (2013). Central Implementation Strategies Outperform Local Ones in Improving HIV Testing in Veterans Healthcare Administration Facilities.  Journal of General Internal Medicine.  Vol. 28, no. 10, pp 1311 1317.
  28. Knapp, H., Anaya, H.D.  Implementation Science in the Real World:  A Streamlined Model (2012).  Journal for Healthcare Quality, November / December, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 27 - 35.
  29. Anaya, H.D., Bokhour, B., Feld, J.E., Golden, J., Asch, S.M., Knapp, H. (2012).  Qualitative Implementation of Routine Rapid HIV Testing Within the US Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System.  Journal for Healthcare Quality, July / August 2012, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 7 - 14.
  30. Eisenstein, E.E., Eisenstein, D.L., Sarma, J.S.M., Knapp, H., Smith, J.C. (2012).  Some new speculative ideas about the Behavioral Homeostasis Theory as to how the simple learned behaviors of habituation and sensitization improve organism survival throughout phylogeny.  Communicative & Integrative Biology, May / June, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 233 - 239.
  31. Goetz, M.B., Hoang, T., Henry, S.R., Knapp, H., Anaya, H.D., Gifford, A.L., Asch, S.M., and the QUERI-HIV/Hepatitis Center (2011).  Exportability of an Intervention to Increase HIV Testing.  The Joint Commission Journal on Quality on Patient Safety, December, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 553 559.
  32. Knapp, H., Anaya, H., Feld, J., Hoang, T., Goetz, M.B. (2011).  Launching nurse-initiated HIV rapid testing in Veterans Affairs primary care: a comprehensive overview of a self-sustaining implementation.  International Journal of STD & AIDS, December, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 734 - 737.
  33. Knapp, H., Chan, K., Anaya, H.D., Goetz, M.B. (2011).  Interactive Internet-Based Clinical Education:  An Efficient and Cost Savings Approach to Point of Care Test Training.  Telemedicine and e-Health, June, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 335 340.
  34. Knapp, H., Fletcher, M., Taylor, A., Chan, K., Goetz, M.B. (2011).  No Clinic Left Behind:  Providing Cost-Effective In-Services Via Distance Learning.  Journal for Healthcare Quality, Sep. / Oct., vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 17 24.
  35. Henry, S. R., Hagedorn, H., Feld, J., Golden, J., Horns, H., Knapp, H., Anaya, H. (2010). A Formative Evaluation of Organizational Readiness to Implement Nurse-Initiated HIV Rapid Testing in Two Veterans Health Administration Substance Use Disorder Clinics.  Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 7 26.
  36. Feld J.E., Anaya, H.D., Hoang, T., Knapp, H., Asch, S.M. (2010).  Implementing an HIV Rapid Testing Intervention for Homeless Veterans in Shelter Settings within Los Angeles County, USA.  Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, vol. 19, No 1 - 2 / June, pp. 17 40.
  37. Knapp, H., Anaya, H.D., Goetz, M.G. (2010).  Attributes of an Independently Self-sustaining Implementation:  Nurse-administered HIV Rapid Testing in VA Primary Care.  Quality Management in Health Care, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 292 297.
  38. Knapp, H., Anaya, H.D. (2010).  Facilitating HIV Testing:  Exploring Provider and Patient-Centered Barriers.  Military Medicine, August, vol. 175, no. 8, pp. 541 543.
  39. Sun, B.C., Knapp, H., Shamouelian, A., Golden, J., Goetz, M.B., Asch, S.M. (2010).  Impact of an Education Kiosk on Patient Knowledge 17勛圖 Rapid HIV Screening.  Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 158 161.
  40. Lankarani-Fard, A., Knapp, H., Lorenz, K., Golden, J.F., Taylor, A., Feld, J.E., Shugarman, L.R., Malloy, D., Menkin, E.S., Asch, S.M. (2010).  Feasibility of Discussing End-of-Life Care Goals with Inpatients Using a Structured, Conversational Approach:  The Go Wish Card Game.  Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 637 643.
  41. Chen, J.C., Goetz, M.B., Feld, J.E., Taylor, A., Anaya, H., Burgess, J., de Mesa Flores R., Gidwani, R.A., Knapp, H., Elizabeth H. Ocampo, E.H., Asch, S.M. (2011).  A provider participatory implementation model for HIV testing in an ED.  The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, May, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 418 - 426.
  42. Goetz, M.B., Hoang, T., Henry, R., Knapp, H., Anaya, H., Gifford, A. L., Asch, S.M. (2009).  Evaluation of the Sustainability of an Intervention to Increase HIV Testing.  Journal of General Internal Medicine, December, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1275 1280.
  43. Bokhour, B.G., Solomon, J.L., Knapp, H., Asch, S.M., Gifford, A.L. (2009).  Barriers and Facilitators to Routine HIV Testing in VA Primary Care.  Journal of General Internal Medicine, Journal of General Intern Medicine, October; vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1109 1114.
  44. Hoang, T., Goetz, M.B., Yano, E.M., Rossman, B., Anaya, H.D., Knapp, H., Henry, R., Bowman, C., Gifford, A., Asch, S.M.  The Impact of Integrated HIV Care on Patient Health Outcomes (2009).  Medical Care, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 560 567.
  45. Knapp, H., Asch, S. (2008).  Automating PowerPoint to Expand Healthcare Education:  A How-To Guide.  Journal for Healthcare Quality, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 44 47.
  46. Goetz, M., Hoang, T., Bowman, C., Knapp, H., Rossman, B., Smith, R., Anaya, H., Osborn, T., Gifford, A., Asch, S. (2008).  A System-wide Intervention to Improve HIV Testing in the Veterans Health Administration.  Journal of General Internal Medicine,  August, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1200 1207.
  47. Knapp, H., Anaya, H., Feld, J. (2008).  Expanding HIV Rapid Testing Via Point-of-Care Paraprofessionals.  International Journal of STD & AIDS, September, vol. 19, pp. 629 632.
  48. Steinberg, M.L., Fremont, A., Khan, D.C., Huang, D., Knapp, H., Karaman, D., Forge, N., Andre, K., Chaiken, L.M., Streeter, O.E.  (2006).  Lay Patient Navigator Program Implementation for Equal Access to Cancer Care and Clinical Trials:  Essential Steps and Initial Challenges.  Cancer, December 1, vol. 107, no. 11, pp. 2669   2677.
  49. Rothman, J., Kirk, S.A., Knapp, H. (2003).  Reputation and Publication Productivity Among Social Work Researchers.  Social Work Research, June, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 105 115.
  50. Knapp, H. & Kirk, S.A. (2003).  Using Pencil & Paper, Computers and Touch-Tone Phones for Self-Administered Surveys:  Does Methodology Matter?  Computers in Human Behavior, February, vol. 19, pp. 117 134.
(323) 345-9705

Teaching remotely; office hours available via phone or Zoom upon request (email: herschel.knapp@yu.edu).


To request an interview, please contact Media Relations at 212-960-5400 x5488 or publicaffairs@yu.edu

  • SWK 6402 - Applied Methods in Social Work Research (M.S.W.)
  • SWK 6403 - Social Work Practice and Evaluation Research (M.S.W.)
  • SWK 8406 - Fundamentals of Applied Statistics (Ph.D.)
  • SWK 9105 - Single Case Analysis and Program Evaluation (D.S.W.)