Faculty Directory
Shalom Carmy


Assistant Professor of Jewish Philosophy and Bible

212-960-5400 x386

Wilf campus - Furst Hall
Room#Gottesman Library

BS, 17³Ô¹Ï,
MS, 17³Ô¹Ï,
Rabbinic Ordination, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary,

Rabbi Shalom Carmy is the editor of Tradition, the theological journal of the Rabbinical Council of America; an affiliated scholar at Cardozo Law School; and a member of the Erasmus and Dulles Forums.

Rabbi Carmy is an expert on biblical theology and interpretation; modern Jewish thought (with an emphasis on Rabbis Soloveitchik and Kook); religious Zionism; liberal arts and religion; the interface of traditional Talmud study, modern scholarship, and theology; and the life of the thinking religious individual. A partial bibliography of his publications before 2013 is included in Rav Shalom Banayikh, ed. Angel & Blau. Each issue of Tradition since 2006 contains a personal essay.

Rabbi Carmy has twice been Professor of the Year at Yeshiva College and received the Baumol Teaching Award.

Rabbi Carmy publishes regularly in Tradition, Torah uMadda Journal, First Things, and others.

Find Shalom Carmy’s publications on

212-960-5400 x386

Wilf campus - Furst Hall
Room#Gottesman Library


To request an interview, please contact Media Relations at 212-960-5400 x5488 or publicaffairs@yu.edu

Fall 2018
Bible:Text, Context, Tradition
BIB 1000


Early Modern Intellectual JHI
JHI 1410


Philo of Rabbi Soloveitchik
JPH 3430


Spring 2018
Ethics and Character
CUOT 1012H


Ethics and Character
PHI 1612H


BIB 2740


JHI 2400


JPH 2400


Fall 2017
Bible:Text, Context, Tradition
BIB 1000


Modern Intellectual JHI
JHI 1415


Topics in Zionism
JHI 3445


Topics in Zionism
JPH 3445


Summer 2017
Bible:Text, Context, Tradition
BIB 1000


Spring 2017
Belief Religious Commitment
CUOT 1027


History of Jewish Ethics
JHI 1650H


History of Jewish Ethics
JPH 1650H


Selected Topics
PHI 4930


Seven of the Tre Asar
BIB 2580