Faculty Directory
Carl Auerbach


Professor of Psychology, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology


Resnick campus - Rousso Building

PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 1968
BA, Reed College, 1963

Professor Carl Auerbach is the codirector, with Dr. Louise Silverstein, of the Fatherhood Project.

Professor Auerbachs research is concerned with psychological trauma, with a particular focus on cultural trauma and genocide. He has done research on the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide. He teaches courses in trauma and qualitative research methodology and supervises beginning psychotherapists.

Professor Auerbach is the director of the Clinical Psychologys Program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. In 2000, he and his colleague Dr. Louise Silverstein were awarded the Distinguished Publication Award for their article Deconstructing the Essential Father.


Resnick campus - Rousso Building


To request an interview, please contact Media Relations at 212-960-5400 x5488 or publicaffairs@yu.edu

Advanced Research Seminar
PSC 6539


History Systems of Psycholog
PSA 6601


Multicult Diversity Issues
PSA 6181


Psychological Trauma I
PSC 6145


Research Project I
PSC 6915


Research Project II
PSC 6916


Working w/ Asylum Seekers
PSC 6544


History Systems of Psycholog
PSA 6601


Intro to Qualitative Research
PSA 6289


Psychological Trauma II
PSC 6146


Research Project I
PSC 6915


Research Project II
PSC 6916


Working w/ Asylum Seekers
PSC 6544