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Light Up Your Chanukah with YU

Chanukah at YU is a time of celebration. With longstanding traditions like the 88th Annual Hanukkah Dinner and fresh young talent like Edon Pinchot at the Chanukah Concert, there is something for everyone to enjoy with the YU community this month. This years annual will be headlined by , son of alumnus Dov Pinchot 90YC, whose musical talent was seen by millions this year as a quarterfinalist on the TV show Americas Got Talent. The concert will also feature veteran Jewish music group and YUs a cappella group the Y-Studs, who will open the show.  The campus is brimming with excitement as students and staff busily prepare for the annual Chanukah concert. Edon's courageousness to wear a kippah while performing on national TV has inspired our student body. YU, as the flagship modern orthodox institution, is eager to welcome Edon and his family this Chanukah to help us celebrate the light that both he and our students bring to the world," says Marc Spear '96YC, senior director, YU Student Life.  The concert will take place on Thursday, December 13 at 8p.m. in  Lamport Auditorium, 2540 Amsterdam Ave. in Washington Heights. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online at . For additional savings, enter the discount code EARLYBIRD at checkout. This offer expires soon, so make sure to purchase your tickets today! White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew will be the convocation speaker at the 88th Annual Hanukkah Dinner and Convocation on December 16th. Additional degree recipients include  Stanley Raskas 65YC, 69R, '69BR, chaiman of the Yeshiva College Board of Overseers; Moise Y. Safra, Community Leader and Philanthropist; and Diane Wassner, national vice president of the 17勛圖 Womens Organization. The event will be held at The Waldorf Astoria at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are specially priced for alumni under 35 at $350 per person. For information about attending the Hanukkah dinner, visit .  To take advantage of the special alumni rate, please contact hanukkahdinner@yu.edu. YU continues to be an excellent resource for scholarly articles and Torah learning on Chanuka. The Center for the Jewish Future (CJF) and RIETS released Chanuka To-Go 5773, which you can or view individual articles at . Chanuka To-Go 5773 features articles from first time contributor, Mrs. Suzy Schwartz 84S, Assistant Dean, CJF, as well as articles by Rabbi Yona Reiss 87YC, 91R, 02R, Dr. Lawrence Schiffman and many others.  Additionally, hundreds of Chanukah shiurim and articles can be found on . This Sunday, December 9, 9:15am-12:15pm, the Center for the Jewish Future will host a Yom Iyun on "Judaisms Encounter with Other Cultures."  The Yom Iyun's keynote speaker,  Rabbi Dr. Jacob J Schacter will kickoff the event and the program will then break into two sessions with multiple choices of speakers and topics given by YU's esteemed faculty. View the full details of the program at  or visit to purchase tickets. On Wednesday, December 12 at 8pm, RIETS and SOY will host a special Chanukah-themed shiur on The Enduring Impact of Chanukah  commemorating the second yartzheit of Rebbetzin Miriam Rosensweig zl, wife of YU professor, Rabbi Dr. Bernard Rosensweig 47YC, 50R, 70BR and mother of Rabbi Michael Rosensweig 80YC, 80R, 86W, 96BR, Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS. Rabbi Michael Rosensweig will deliver the shiur at the Glueck Center for Jewish Study, 515 West 185 Street, Room 308, NYC. A small collation will follow. For more information contact Gabi Weinberg. The Office of Student Life is in the midst of their Chanukah Film Contest that asks students "What Does Chanukah Mean to You?" Our contest is aimed at infusing the campus with Chanukah spirit and allowing students to connect to the holiday in a personal and creative way, said Tamar Schwarzbard '12S, Presidential Fellow, Office of Student Life. Watch the entertaining explaining the contest and keep an eye on our  for video entries. The winner will be announced on December 13th at the annual YU Chanukah Concert. The Chabad Club, a YU student organization, will be purchasing menorahs to give out on the streets of Manhattan throughout Chanukah. Last year, students from YU gave out more than 150 menorahs to random and grateful Jews on the street. "Chanukah is the holiday of light and is filled with joy and vibrancy, but not everyone is privy to experiencing it. Even in one of the centers of Jewish life - New York - there are thousands of Jews that do not own a menorah. Every Jew deserves to be given the opportunity to be a part of the light of Chanukah. We each have the power to make a difference and light up the night, says Rochel Spangenthal, the event organizer and a senior at Stern College for Women. We wish all our alumni and friends a chag sameach! May your holiday be filled with light, family, friends, and of course latkes!


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