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RIETS Reunions and Shavuos Retreat

RIETS hosted a Roshei Yeshiva reunion for students of Rabbi Aharon Kahn, Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger and Rabbi Michael Rosensweig at the Jacob and Dreizel Glueck Center for Jewish Study in March. Each rosh yeshiva spoke about Pesach-related topics. Rabbi Yona Reiss, the Max and Marion Grill Dean of RIETS, declared, It is part of our Torah tradition for students to be mekabel penei rabboto visit their Rebbeim on holidays. For us, convening these reunion events, where our Yeshiva alumni can re-experience the presence of their rabbinic mentors, is a special mini-holiday opportunity for Torah learning, inspiration and the rekindling of an everlasting relationship.

Another learning opportunity coming up is Shavuot, a special holiday with a built-in nightlong learning session. This year, you can study Torah alongside some of YUs most distinguished personalities at the RIETS Shavuot Yarchei Kallah, from May 25-May 28, which is also Memorial Day Weekend. The retreat will take place at the beautiful and recently-renovated Rye Town Hilton in Westchester, NY. YU President Richard M. Joel; Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, chancellor and RIETS rosh hayeshiva; Rabbi Yona Reiss; Rabbi Kenneth Brander, the David Mitzner Dean of CJF; Mindy Eisenman of YU Connects; Chaviva Levin, Yeshiva College professor of Jewish history; and other scholars will be on hand to deliver stimulating talks and shiurim and lead learning sessions. Aside from the wonderful learning opportunity to celebrate zman matan toraseinu [the time of the giving of our Torah] by learning with our roshei yeshiva, says Rabbi Reiss, the Gemora in Pesachim says that despite disagreement about certain other holidays, everybody agrees that the celebration of Shavuos requires an element of personal indulgence. This retreat is perfect for all those who want to indulge themselves in both terrific shiurim and a warm and welcoming recreational environment during the upcoming holiday. Families are welcome, and there will be a teen program, day camp, and babysitting. The weekend will be catered by Chap-a-Nosh of Cedarhurst. To register, visit or contact 646-592-402.


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