, one of the several yom tov compilations of holiday-related articles YU puts out each year, includes more than 60 pages of articles on Pesach from YU faculty such as Rabbi Yona Reiss, the Max and Marion Grill Dean of RIETS, who writes on The Freedom of Family; Mrs. Yael Leibowitz, Stern College professor of bible, who writes on Moshe Rabbenu: Enough Said; Mrs. Nechama Price, Stern College professor of Jewish studies and bible, on Splitting the Sea: Take Two; Rabbi Eric Goldman, RIETS sgan masgiach, on Maror: Finding Meaning in Life; and Rabbi Reuven Taragin, a former Wexner fellow, on The Pesach Haggadah: Developing an Experiential Commemoration. Their unique perspectives and intellectual discussion will provide hours of reading for downtime and study on Pesach and make for stimulating discussion at the seder or other Pesach meals. The packet also includes a section on hagaddah discussion for the entire family, helping make Pesach and the sederim more interactive and enjoyable for the younger children.
If thats not enough, there are also thousands of inspirational shiurim on all aspects of Pesach, including halacha, Jewish thought, history, and other topics available online at . If you are a rabbi, a host of materials have been posted to , the Center for the Jewish Futures password-protected site and blog for our community of rabbis, which includes Pesach shiurim outlines to work from in preparation for the upcoming yom tov.
YU has also hosted many pre-Pesach shiurim, including the Rosh
Yeshiva Reunion on Inyanei Pesach with Rabbis Aharon Kahn, Yaakov Neuberger, and Michael Rosensweig on March 22. The March 29 Dr.Samuel Belkin zl Memorial lecture with Rabbi Hershel Schachter, rosh yeshiva, focused on Innovation and Halacha: Machine vs. Hand Shmurah Matzah and the Office of Alumni Affairs Spring Lecture Series session on March 22 featured Dr. Ari Mermelstein speaking on The Pesach Seder and Rabbinic Responses to the Destruction of the Second Temple. Visit to find recordings of these and other associated lectures.