Mar 6, 2012 By: wpadmin
- Designer Tommy Hilfiger visits YU and encourages students to reconsider the most common clothing choice seen on the Wilf Campus: khakis with a polo and zip-up hoody.
- In light of last years Arab Spring, YU male students have taken to the streets demanding the Israel Henry Beren Campus be relocated 150 blocks north.
- YUToday launches new section entitled World's Most Beautiful Rabbi. Rabbi JJ Schacter considered shoo-in.
- U.S. News and World Report ranks YU #1 in Shabbos observance.
- YU Connects pressures President Joel to end its leading competitor, the intercampus shuttle.
- Students storm Tenzer Gardens as part of Occupy YU, demand better bedding and shower pressure.
- Architectural Digest recognizes YU for best use of scaffolding as a permanent design element.
- Office of Student Life will scout entrants for "Dancing with the Stars" at campus Purim chagigot.
- Admissions Office pairs up with Alumni Affairs Toddler Tuesdays Facebook campaign to begin extended YU tuition payment plan in preparation for expected 2031 tuition prices.
- Steve Jobs leaves large sum of money to YU in his will, requesting only that YU campuses be painted white.
Have a happy Purim from The Office of Alumni Affairs!