Jan 24, 2012 By: wpadmin
On Wednesday, February 15, alumni will have a chance to step back in time at the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit and Reception hosted by the Office of Alumni Affairs and featuring Professors Lawrence Schiffman, Moshe Bernstein, and Joseph Angel.
The evening will include unique access to YU faculty experts who will be on-hand to share their insights into the Scrolls as well as to accompany alumni guests on a self-guided tour of the exhibit which has been getting rave reviews; The New York Times called it stunning and WABC Radio said it is a remarkable display of historical content! The exhibit, which is housed at Discovery Times Square, features the famed Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest-known texts of the Bible; an actual 3-ton stone from the Western Wall of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and over 500 never-before-seen artifacts the largest collection of artifacts ever assembled from biblical times. The iconic symbols of biblical Judaism and ancient Israel are truly amazing to behold in person, and will only be on view in New York City through April 15.
February 15, however, is the only opportunity alumni have to fully immerse themselves in the experience by getting firsthand facts and information from Dr. Schiffman, YUs vice provost for undergraduate education and a specialist in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Judaism in late antiquity, the history of Jewish law, and Talmudic literature. He has written and edited dozens of books and hundreds of articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls and rabbinic Judaism. Other faculty experts facilitating the event are Dr. Angel, a Yeshiva College assistant professor of bible, and Dr. Bernstein, a Yeshiva College professor of Jewish history and bible.
Dr. Schiffman declared, This exhibit brings to life a dimension of YU that we really should be proud of. We have four recognized Dead Sea Scrolls scholars on our faculty who are regular participants in the most important international conferences, and the Scrolls are part of the Revel graduate program. This is a wonderful alumni event that will serve as an educational and stimulating way to catch up with your friends and perhaps make a few new connections.
During the event, participants will hear from the YU experts at a reception with wine and hors d'oeuvres, and will be able to ask questions about the exhibit and anything related to the Scrolls and Jewish history. Were delighted to offer this truly once-in-a-lifetime event to our alumni and have the chance to showcase the brilliant YU faculty who are experts in the field, said Illana Feiglin, director of alumni affairs. Weve intentionally kept the event to an intimate group of several dozen guests to ensure plenty of hands-on access to the professors. I know that this event will be a tremendous experience for all involved.
A few tickets are still available at $110 each. To reserve a spot or learn more about this special event, visit .