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YU Enhances Yomim Tovim for Jewish Communities Around the World

Those who wish to enhance their yomim tovim can always turn to YU, which provides resources that inspire and uplift to the global Jewish community. The Center for the Jewish Future has published its popular and materials. Print copies are available in many shuls in the greater Metropolitan area. Both publications feature articles and divrei Torah from YU faculty members and roshei yeshiva, as well as other noted Jewish scholars. , the online inventory of Jewish lectures and articles from YU and other scholars and rabbis, has many shiurim relating to the Yamim Noraim. These articles can be found at , while those articles relating to Sukkot can be found at . Rabbi Yosef Blau and Rabbi Dovid Miller, the featured speakers at RIETSs 27th Annual Hausman /Stern Kinus Teshuva lectures, which took place on October 4th, will have their shiurim available on YUTorah as well. Rabbi Blau is the senior mashgiach ruchani at YU, and spoke about Multiple Kedushot Ha-yom of Yom HaKippurim A Guide to Responding to a Complex World in New York. Rabbi Miller is the Benjamin and Charlotte Gottesfeld Chair in Talmud and associate director of YUs Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Institute in Jerusalem. He gave a lecture in Jerusalem on As Free Will Has Been Granted to All色 (Rambam Hilchot Teshuva 7:1). Still looking for more inspiration? Sign up today for 40 Days of Teshuva, a new daily e-mail subscription which sends an inspirational e-mail each day to your inbox with a brief 餃v硃娶 Torah from a YU Rosh Yeshiva or faculty member. To receive the daily emails, sign up . Finally, once again more than 300 YU students who will be traveling to more than 75 communities in the US and Canada to participate in the Aaron and Blanche Schreiber Torah Tours. The program, currently in its third decade and run by the Center for the Jewish Future, sends teams of enthusiastic students from YU and RIETS to Jewish communities to enliven the yomim tovim with prayer, joyous dancing, and warmth, as well as to teach classes and meet with synagogue youth. Communities welcoming YU students for Simchat Torah include Parsippany, NJ, New Haven, CT, and Allentown PA, as well as San Francisco and Palo Alto, CA, Las Vegas, NV, and Cote St. Loce, Quebec. 17勛圖 is not just a university, it is a part of every community, and Torah Tours has and continues to be a direct line for communities to connect to YU, said Aliza Abrams, assistant director of CJFs department of service learning and experiential education. It is our students who are our best emissaries, the ones who proudly wave the YU flag and share the energy we have on campus with others.


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