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There's No Place Like Homecoming

On Sunday, September 18, more than 600 people turned out to celebrate Homecoming, YUs first event of its kind in more than a quarter of a century. YU alumni, families and friends enjoyed a block party featuring carnival rides and games, face painting, fun snacks, and musical entertainment by the Maccabeats, Y-Studs and Blue Fringe. Alumni could recapture their college years at classes taught by YU faculty members and the morning Kollel and Midreshet Yom Rishon program featuring Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, who spoke on Achieving Atonement in the Season of Atonement: Focusing on Interpersonal Relationships, and Professor Smadar Rosensweig, who discussed Profiles in Courage: Personal Redemption in Tanakh, had an overflowing crowd. My years in Stern were some of the happiest days of my life. Homecoming gave me an opportunity to relive those days, said Adeena (Brand) Ratner 73S, 75BR. Other alumni in attendance commented on how special the day was and the chance it provided them to return to campus after many years. Those that reunited on campus were able to experience the best of YU today and reminisce over shared experiences. Alumni athletes enjoyed sports clinics facilitated by current athletes and former tutors from the Beren and Wilf Campus writing centers participated in a 25th reunion that afternoon. To read more about this special anniversary celebration, click here. At the start of the Town Hall meeting, Nachum Segal, radio host and member of the Yeshiva College class of 84, and President Richard M. Joel announced the grand prize winner of the Alumni Finder contest: Itzhak Kremer 72YC from Maaleh Adumim, Israel. Thanks to his efforts in helping us reconnect with some of our lost alumni, Itzhak will get to take a friend or family member with him on a free round-trip journey to New York City on EL AL Israel Airlines. President Joel then provided an update on YU issues of the day and answer questions posed by alumni. Barbara Birch, senior director of alumni affairs and annual giving, said, Homecoming is an opportunity to bring the extended YU community together on campus to experience all that YU provides for personal growth and learning. Through Torah study, athletic clinics, tzedakah projects and interaction with the rabbis, professors, administrators and students here today, Homecoming attendees got a real taste of YU and how it can continue to be a part of their lives and their childrens lives. To experience a taste of Homecoming, check out photos posted on the or watch the recap available .


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